Vancouver IslandUniversity

Campus Student Employment

Campus Student Employment

Fall 2024 and Spring 2025 Work-Op applications are now closed.

Results emails will be sent by July 15th and postings will be live for student viewing on August. 16th.

Have a great summer!

Just been hired for a job on campus?


The Student Campus Employment office manages all on-campus student work at VIU. It also processes the appointments. Student campus jobs fall into three categories: 

  • Work-Op 
  • Non Work-Op including Research 
  • Canada Summer Jobs


See below if you are an enrolled and-or a continuing VIU student. If you work on campus and receive a bi-weekly salary or submit timesheets, this applies to you.



If you are a supervisor who has hired a student and want to know what to do next.

Student Appointment form

Send your completed Student Appointment Form to before starting work. It must be completed and signed by you and your supervisor. This form can be completed on your first work day.

  • We cannot process forms sent in without all the needed signatures and info. This includes Work Order numbers. This could result in delayed pay for you. 

This is the only form the Campus Employment office needs. Don't wait for Payroll documents to be ready before sending it.

Payroll documents

Go to VIU Payroll to download

  • TD1 Tax Form Federal - Canada Revenue Agency section
  • TD1 Tax Forms BC 
  • Direct Deposit Instruction Form (under Miscellaneous forms).

International Students should include a copy of a valid Study Permit.

Please email them directly to Payroll -

Or, drop off completed forms to the Payroll office in Building 300, Room 117.

Payroll cannot pay you until they receive these documents.


If you are paid hourly and submit timesheets, you enter them online in the Employee Portal. They are due each week on Thursdays by 3 pm. Sometimes the Payroll office may send out a change due to an upcoming holiday. View the timesheet schedule.

You will need your employee username and password for the Employee Portal. Do not use your student credentials.

Soon after you are hired, you will get an email with your employee username and new employee email address. It will go to the personal email address you submitted on the Student Appointment Form. Be sure to check that email and follow instructions or you won’t be able to submit your timesheets online. 

You must now monitor your employee email. VIU, your employer, will use it to send you information. This will include the IT and Payroll departments.  

Student Employment On Campus

Wage Reimbursement

Work-Op is a fund managed through the Student Employment office. It provides campus jobs to enrolled VIU students. Applications are open twice a year. First for the summer semester and then for the Fall and Spring together. We approve applications based on requested hours. We reimburse at minimum wage plus 12% for employer costs.

Students are allowed only one Work-op position per semester. Exceptions can be made in special circumstances. All exceptions to eligibility or to the number of positions must be approved by the Student Employment office.

Rate of Pay and Reimbursement

Work-op positions pay $16.75 per hour (BC minimum wage, increasing to $17.40 on June 1, 2024) plus all statutory entitlements. Departments may supplement the base rate of pay with departmental funds. For example, if the approved position has higher demands or responsibilities or needs specific skills.  The department will pay for both the hourly top-up and employer's related costs from the increase (12% of hourly increase above base).

You can find the number of hours  approved for your position in your approval email. You can spread these hours between the two semesters. You can also spread them between students at your discretion. You must do this within the allowed dates.


Supervisors track hours. They ensure timesheets are sent to payroll each week. 

The Work-Op Program will not reimburse late timesheets. If timesheets are submitted after the posted final timesheet deadline or for hours worked outside the Work-Op timelines, your department is responsible for these costs. 

Please use the tracking sheet located in the form section above.

Department or Grant Funded

Non Work-Op covers all other campus work for VIU students. It is paid from departmental work orders. Students must meet our eligibility requirements to qualify for student positions. They must be paid minimum wage or higher.

Research Assistant positions that are paid a bi-weekly salary or by submitting timesheets are Non Work-Op. These positions are processed through the Student Employment office.

Other research jobs, such as trainee awards or stipends are process through SCRA. Contact if you have questions.

Note: If a student’s course ends mid-semester, the student can work up until the last day of that month.

Government Funded

The Canada Summer Jobs program (CSJ) provides funding to help youth aged 15 to 30 get career-related work experience. A call for applications goes out every year. The Student Employment office submits an application for anyone interested in applying for funding. Once our office is notified of approval, we work with the applicants to set up the appointments. We make sure the details are in line with our funding agreement.  Then, we submit a claim form and distribute the reimbursements.

Canada Summer Jobs Applications are due in the Student Employment office by December 22, 2023

The VIU Student Employment office will apply for CSJ funding. The program is for student positions only. You cannot include faculty or staff positions in the application. This is true even if you plan to hire students. If you are not sure, please check with the applicable union before you apply. Cancelling positions because they don't follow the criteria hurts VIU’s reputation. It also hurts our ability to apply for this funding in the future.

Here is a copy of the 2024 Applicant Guide and Application Information Form booklet.

Dates to Remember

December 22: All application information to be submitted to the Student Employment office

April 22: The earliest job start date

July 22: The latest job start date

August 31: The latest job end date

May 1 to August 31: Summer Work-Op period

March 11:  Call-Out email goes out

April 2:  Application deadline

April 12:  Approval emails sent out

April 15:  Postings go live on Experience Hub

September 5:  Final timesheet deadline

September 1 - April 30: Fall/Spring Work-Op period

May 17: Call-Out email went out

June 10: Application deadline

July 15: Approval emails sent out

August 16: Postings go live on Experience Hub

May 14: Final timesheet deadline

On-campus student employment is recognized through the Co-Curricular Record

All Work-Op positions can now be found on the CCR Opportunity Directory and/or Experience Hub, the Work Integrated Learning Portal.

Frequently Asked Questions for Supervisors

Watch for the call-out emails every Spring. Follow the instructions to log into Experience Hub and post your job by the stated deadlines. You will also need to submit an Application Approval form by the same deadline. We will let you know within a few weeks if you were approved for any or all of the positions requested.

Work-Op dates cover full months, rather than the old formula. That was the first day of a semester to the last day of final exams.

Summer Work-Op period will now always be May 1 to August 31.

Fall and Spring Work-Op period will now be September 1 to April 30.

Fall and Spring hours can be worked any time between the first day of September and the last day of April.

Summer hours can only be used in the summer, May 1 to August 31.

Yes. You will receive notification of the number of approved hours. The approved  hours can be divided between your hired students as you like.

Yes, you can hire as many students as you like, as long as they meet the eligibility requirements. You will be reimbursed for the number of approved hours worked between all students hired for a position.

Work-op students can work as many hours as the supervisor wants but Campus Student Employment will reimburse only for the number of hours on the approval email. We recommend using the Tracking Sheet above to monitor students' hours.

Yes, and we encourage it wherever possible. Departments are responsible for the additional costs if paying above minimum wage.

Minimum wage is currently $16.75 per hour. It will increase to $17.40 on June 1.

Reimbursement for hours worked is based on the minimum wage rate on the day of work. We also add 12% to the reimbursement to cover other employment costs, like vacation pay.

Fall and Spring Work-Op period

  • After each semester ends plus an additional one before year-end.


  • One reimbursement after the semester ends.

Fall and Spring semesters 

You must be enrolled full-time at VIU. For example, taking a three 3-credit courses, or two Academic and Career Prep or ESL courses. If you have a documented disabilities, you only need six credits.

Summer semester

You must be enrolled in one 3-credit course, or one ACP or ESL course.

International students

You must meet all the eligibility requirements noted above. You must also have a valid Study Permit. Or have an acknowledgement letter that says you applied to renew your permit before it expired.

You cannot have more than one Work-Op position. But, you can have a Non Work-Op position at the same time.

Supervisors need to create a posting for a funding application.

But there is a place on the posting form where it asks if you want it visible to students. If you already have a student you want to hire, answer no to this question.

The Co-Curricular Record Opportunity Directory adds all approved Work-Op positions. They will automatically appear on your CCR.

For Non Work-Op or Canada Summer Jobs positions, contact for information about adding these to your CCR.

If you have received approval for your Work-Op position, as a VIU Faculty or Staff, you will be the position Validator.

Validators approve the students' reflection. You will base approval on their selected VIU Graduate Attributes. The Co-Curricular Record team will be in touch with all Validators soon. The CCR team will provide more information and details. Thank you!

Contact Us

Student On-Campus Employment is part of Financial Aid and Awards.

For questions about off-campus jobs for students, please email

Bernie Heise

Student Campus Employment Specialist


Jennifer Jensen-Richards

Manager, Financial Aid Access,
Resources and Assessment Services


Co-Curricular Record

Office of Co-Curricular
Engagement & Learning