Scholarship, Research, & Creative Activity

Vancouver IslandUniversity

Professional Business Etiquette

Professional Business Etiquette


Understanding business etiquette is key for students' professional success. It helps them stand out in a competitive job market and navigate various professional settings with confidence and respect.

Good business etiquette ensures effective communication and helps avoid misunderstandings. This is crucial for professional interactions in meetings, networking events, and daily work. Knowing how to interact appropriately with colleagues, superiors, and clients can make a significant difference in building a positive work environment.

How students conduct themselves reflects on them, their schools, and their future employers. Good etiquette can leave a positive impression and boost the reputation of Vancouver Island University. It shows that students are well-prepared and professional, qualities that are highly valued in any career.

Employers also look for people who can represent their company well. By mastering business etiquette, students can build strong relationships, enhance their personal brand, and contribute to their workplace’s success. Professionalism in behavior and communication can lead to better job performance and career advancement.

In addition to these benefits, understanding and practicing good business etiquette helps students adapt to different workplace cultures and expectations. This adaptability is crucial in today’s globalized and diverse job market.

Before delving into this resource, we at Vancouver Island University would like to acknowledge and pay respect to the Indigenous values and traditions that form an integral part of Canada's cultural fabric. We recognize that these values and traditions may result in different interpretations of professional etiquette and workplace interactions. We honor these diverse viewpoints and encourage their consideration in the context of this guide.

Additionally, while this guide provides an overview of general practices and expectations in Canadian professional settings, it is important to remember that there is always room for individuality and personal expression. Each industry has its unique culture, and norms can vary significantly. We encourage students to use this resource as a foundation and inspiration, adapting and integrating these guidelines with their personal style and the specific requirements of their chosen field. Embrace your uniqueness and let it shine in your professional journey.


Professional etiquette is an integral part of building a successful career in the Canadian business landscape. It encompasses the unwritten social rules and standards of conduct that are expected in a professional environment. By understanding and practicing proper business etiquette, students set themselves up for success, paving the way for positive first impressions, strong working relationships, and a reputable personal brand.

1. Significance of Professional Etiquette

Adherence to professional etiquette signals respect for the people and the processes of the business environment. It can set you apart in the job market, fostering trust and credibility with peers, superiors, and clients.

2. Reflection on the University and Future Employers

Your conduct not only affects personal outcomes but also reflects upon Vancouver Island University and future employers. Professional etiquette extends beyond individual interactions and contributes to the collective reputation of the institutions and organizations you represent.

3. Foundation for Professional Relationships

Etiquette serves as the foundation for building effective and respectful professional relationships. It encompasses everything from punctuality and dress code to communication styles and email etiquette.

Examples of 'Do's':

  • Do Communicate Clearly and Respectfully: Whether in writing or speech, convey your messages with clarity and respect, keeping in mind the professional context.
  • Do Dress Appropriately: Align your attire with the expected dress code of your professional setting, ensuring it's clean, well-fitted, and appropriate.

Examples of 'Don'ts':

  • Don't Overlook the Basics: Simple manners, like saying "please" and "thank you," go a long way in a professional setting. Neglecting these can leave a negative impression.
  • Don't Be Late: Time management is a critical aspect of professional etiquette. Being punctual for meetings, interviews, and professional events is non-negotiable.

References and Further Reading:

The business culture in Canada is a diverse tapestry of formal etiquette and unwritten social rules. Understanding this culture is not just about learning the dos and don'ts; it's about grasping the underlying values and attitudes that shape interactions within the Canadian business context.

1. Emphasis on Equality and Inclusivity

Canadian business culture values equality and inclusivity. It's common for all participants in a meeting, regardless of rank, to have a chance to speak. This approach fosters an environment of respect and collaboration and is integral to how business is conducted across the country.

2. Communication Style

Canadians tend to prefer a more indirect style of communication compared to some other cultures. They value politeness and modesty, which often leads to a less confrontational and more consensus-seeking approach. This can be particularly noticeable in negotiation settings, where Canadians may prioritize reaching an amicable agreement over driving a hard bargain.

3. The Importance of Time

Punctuality is a critical aspect of Canadian business etiquette. Time is valued, and being late is often interpreted as a sign of disrespect. Therefore, it is crucial to be on time for meetings, appointments, and professional events.

4. Business Attire

While business attire may vary depending on the industry, conservatism generally guides the Canadian dress code. Business professional attire is common in traditional industries, whereas business casual may be accepted in more creative or tech-focused fields.

5. Greeting and Interpersonal Interactions

A firm handshake, eye contact, and a smile are typical during greetings. While Canadians are friendly, they also respect personal space and privacy. Small talk is often used to break the ice, but conversations tend to be more subdued and less personal than in some cultures.

6. The Role of Hierarchy

Despite the egalitarian approach, hierarchy is still present in Canadian businesses, but it is less rigid than in many other countries. Senior executives are approachable, and open-door policies are common. However, there is still an expectation of formal respect towards those in higher positions, especially in formal business settings.

7. Business Meetings and Negotiations

Meetings are generally well-structured and agenda-driven in Canada. There is an emphasis on due process and fairness in negotiations, with a tendency towards collaborative problem-solving rather than adversarial tactics.

8. Gift-Giving

Gift-giving is not a central part of business etiquette in Canada and is typically reserved for significant business milestones or celebrations. When gifts are given, they should be modest and professionally appropriate.

Examples of 'Do's':

  • Do Engage in Small Talk: Initiating a meeting with light conversation demonstrates friendliness and helps to establish a comfortable rapport. Topics can include the weather, recent events, or a polite inquiry about the weekend.

  • Do Show Punctuality: Arriving on time for meetings, interviews, and professional events is a sign of respect for others' time and commitments. It also demonstrates good time management skills and reliability.

  • Do Practice Active Listening: During conversations and meetings, show engagement by practicing active listening. This includes nodding, maintaining eye contact, and asking relevant questions to demonstrate your interest and understanding.

  • Do Dress Appropriately: Adhere to the expected dress code for your industry. In corporate settings, this often means business professional attire, while more creative fields may allow for business casual.

Examples of 'Don'ts':

  • Don't Assume Over-Familiarity: Maintain a professional demeanor, especially with individuals you've just met. Use titles and last names until invited to use first names, and be mindful of personal space.

  • Don't Be Overly Casual in Dress: Never show up to an interview, networking event, or any professional setting in sweatpants, pajamas, or other overly casual attire. This is viewed as unprofessional and shows a lack of seriousness about the opportunity.

  • Don't Interrupt or Overpower Conversations: Canadian business culture values a collaborative approach, so dominating discussions or interrupting others is considered rude and counterproductive.

  • Don't Ignore Hierarchy: While Canadian workplaces are less formal than in many other cultures, it is still important to respect the hierarchy. Acknowledge the positions and titles of those present, and address them accordingly.

References and Further Reading:

In the Canadian professional landscape, appearance matters. It communicates an individual's attention to detail and their respect for the corporate environment they are entering. Adhering to the expected dress code is a form of non-verbal communication that can influence first impressions and ongoing professional relationships.

1. Understanding the Dress Code

Professional dress codes in Canada are context-dependent. In larger cities and traditional sectors such as finance, law, and government, business professional attire is the norm. This typically means business attire, such as suits or dresses​​​​. Conversely, smaller companies and those on the West Coast may adopt a more relaxed approach​​.

2. Business Formal Attire

Business formal attire is about projecting a professional image that enhances not only the workplace environment but also one's personal brand. Clothing should be crisp, neat, pressed, and never wrinkled. For men, this includes a conservative suit, a long-sleeved shirt, and a tie. For women, a suit or tailored dress in conservative colors, coupled with low-heeled, closed-toe pumps and conservative jewelry, is appropriate​​​​.

3. Business Casual Attire

The shift towards business casual has become more prominent, particularly in less traditional industries. For men, this might mean foregoing the tie, and for women, the option might extend to business separates rather than full suits. However, even business casual attire should remain polished and professional​​.

Examples of 'Do's':

  • Do Choose Conservative Colors: Opt for classic colors such as black, gray, navy, or beige.
  • Do Pay Attention to Grooming: Personal grooming should be impeccable. For instance, hair should be neat and natural-looking, and makeup should be unobtrusive​​.
  • Do Ensure Proper Fit: Clothing should be well-fitting; neither too tight nor too loose. This demonstrates attention to detail and respect for oneself and the occasion​​.

Examples of 'Don'ts':

  • Don't Dress Too Casually for the Occasion: Avoid wearing overly casual clothes like sweatpants or pajamas to interviews or networking events. Such attire is seen as unprofessional and shows a lack of respect for the professional setting.
  • Don't Overlook the Details: Wrinkled, stained, or ill-fitting clothing can detract from a professional appearance. Ensure your attire is clean, pressed, and in good repair​​.
  • Don't Wear Distracting Accessories: Keep accessories to a minimum. Loud or overly casual items can detract from the professional message you want to convey.

References and Further Reading:

Effective communication is essential in the Canadian business environment. It's not just about what is said, but how it is said, and how well one listens. These skills are crucial for building relationships, facilitating collaboration, and ensuring that the right messages are conveyed and understood.

1. Embrace Positivity and Friendliness

The Canadian communication style is inherently positive and friendly. A smile, direct eye contact, and proper greetings set the tone for interactions and are expected before any business conversation begins. Small talk is often used to warm up the conversation before getting down to business​​.

2. Listen Actively and Speak Clearly

Listening and speaking are two fundamental communication skills. Active listening involves fully concentrating on the speaker, understanding their message, responding thoughtfully, and remembering the conversation. Speaking clearly, in turn, ensures that your message is understood without ambiguity​​.

3. Collaboration Is Key

The ability to work well with others, including team members, other departments, customers, and external stakeholders, is highly valued. Collaboration requires clear communication to align on objectives, share ideas, and make collective decisions​​.

4. Understand the Dynamics of the Workplace

The Canadian workplace is dynamic and collaborative, with effective communication often being the difference-maker in one's career trajectory. The emphasis is on being a team player and contributing to a harmonious work environment​​.

Examples of 'Do's':

  • Do Prepare and Practice: Before presentations or meetings, preparation is vital. Practice your speaking points to convey your message confidently and coherently​​.
  • Do Use Appropriate Body Language: Non-verbal cues like nodding in agreement, maintaining an open posture, and using hand gestures moderately can reinforce your spoken words​​.

Examples of 'Don'ts':

  • Don't Rush Into Business Talk: Jumping straight into business without the initial pleasantries can come off as abrupt and impolite. Take the time to engage in small talk when appropriate​​.
  • Don't Neglect Non-Verbal Cues: Body language can say as much as words. Avoiding eye contact, crossing arms, or checking your watch can send negative signals, even if your words are positive​​.

References and Further Reading:

Professional conduct in Canadian settings is marked by a blend of formal etiquette and the inherent value of politeness that is part of the national character. The way one behaves in a professional environment can have long-lasting impacts on career advancement and personal reputation.

1. Uphold Professional Values

In Canada, professionalism is a translation of the values of the society and the specific profession. It encompasses a set of attitudes, behaviors, and characteristics that are desirable in a professional setting. This includes upholding ethical standards, being altruistic, and maintaining a trustworthy demeanor​​.

2. Adhere to Etiquette

While Canadians are known for being polite, there is a strong convention of social etiquette that extends into professional settings. Understanding and obeying these conventions is essential to fitting in and being accepted in the Canadian workplace​​.

3. Follow Established Guidelines

Most organizations have a set of conduct guidelines that employees are expected to follow. These guidelines often cover various aspects of professional interaction, including how to address colleagues, manage workplace conflict, and navigate hierarchical structures​​.

Examples of 'Do's':

  • Do Respect Workplace Norms: Familiarize yourself with and meet the expectations for professional conduct within your specific professional setting. This includes showing respect to colleagues and superiors and adhering to the collective values of the profession​​.
  • Do Maintain Ethical Standards: Act in accordance with the laws, regulations, guidelines, and policies associated with your professional duties. This demonstrates a commitment to integrity and ethical behavior​​.

Examples of 'Don'ts':

  • Don't Overstep Boundaries: Understand and maintain professional boundaries. Refrain from personal comments or jokes that may be deemed inappropriate in a professional setting.
  • Don't Disregard Etiquette: Avoid neglecting the basic manners expected in Canadian workplaces. For instance, never show up to an interview or professional meeting in overly casual attire like sweatpants or pajamas.

References and Further Reading:

Networking is a pivotal activity in the Canadian business landscape, serving as a bridge to opportunities, collaborations, and career advancements. It is an interpersonal process that involves the mutual exchange of information, contacts, and leads, often leading to unadvertised employment opportunities​​.

1. Attend Industry Events and Meetups

Participate in industry events and community meetups, which are great avenues to meet new contacts and learn about the latest industry trends. These events provide a platform to showcase your expertise and engage with peers in a professional setting​​.

2. Join Professional Associations

Becoming a member of professional associations can help you stay informed about your industry, gain access to resources, and connect with like-minded professionals​​.

3. Utilize Online Platforms

Online platforms like LinkedIn are instrumental for networking in Canada. They allow you to prepare for networking events, research potential contacts, and maintain connections long after face-to-face interactions​​.

Examples of 'Do's':

  • Do Be Prepared: Have business cards ready to exchange and be informed about the people you are likely to meet. Dress appropriately for the occasion to make a good impression​​.
  • Do Be Respectful of Time: When you engage in conversation, be mindful of the other person's time. Ensure you leave the interaction with a plan for follow-up at a later date​​.
  • Do Offer Value: Always think about how you can help others in your network. Offering value can build trust and strengthen professional relationships​​.

Examples of 'Don'ts':

  • Don't Overlook Follow-Up: Networking doesn’t end with the initial contact. Failing to follow up can mean missing out on potential opportunities. Always send a thank-you message or an email expressing your appreciation for their time and the conversation​​.
  • Don't Neglect Etiquette: Even in informal networking settings, maintain professionalism and follow the expected business etiquette to ensure you're remembered for the right reasons​​.
  • Don't Rely Solely on Online Networking: While online platforms are useful, they should not replace face-to-face networking. Personal interactions often lead to stronger and more meaningful connections​​.

References and Further Reading:

In the realm of Canadian business, maintaining a professional digital etiquette and online presence is as crucial as in-person interactions. The digital space offers vast opportunities for networking, brand building, and professional growth, making it essential to navigate this space with care and understanding.

1. Respect in Virtual Interactions

Virtual interactions require the same level of respect as in-person engagements. When participating in online sessions, it's important to give your full attention, use interactive functions appropriately, and avoid interrupting speakers. This shows respect for the time and contributions of others​​.

2. Establishing a Professional Online Presence

Your online presence should reflect your professional identity and goals. This means creating social media profiles that are clear, consistent, and professional. It's important to project a positive image that aligns with your personal brand and the professional image you want to convey​​.

3. Abide by Online Communication Etiquette

Digital professionalism involves not just good writing skills but also understanding the nuances of online communication. This includes being prompt, polite, respectful, and honest in your digital interactions. It's essential to navigate the new rules that the digital world presents with a sense of integrity and professionalism​​​​.

Examples of 'Do's':

  • Do Communicate Clearly and Professionally: Whether it's an email, social media post, or online chat, ensure your communication is clear and reflects professional language and tone​​.
  • Do Be Attentive and Engaged Online: Just as you would in person, show engagement by being active in discussions, asking questions, and providing thoughtful responses in online platforms​​.

Examples of 'Don'ts':

  • Don't Neglect Your Online Image: An unprofessional online presence can negatively impact job opportunities and professional relationships. Keep your online profiles and interactions clean and professional​​.
  • Don't Disregard the Privacy of Others: Be cautious when sharing information or images online, especially if they involve colleagues or business matters that may be sensitive or confidential.

References and Further Reading:

Continuing professional development is a fundamental component of professional success and fulfillment in Canada. It encompasses a commitment to learning and growth well beyond formal education, ensuring that individuals remain at the forefront of their fields throughout their careers.

1. Engage in Structured Learning

Take advantage of structured learning opportunities such as conferences, courses, webinars, and workshops. These are designed to enhance career and professional growth by keeping you abreast of new trends, expanding your skill set, and providing networking opportunities​​​​.

2. Utilize Professional Associations

Professional associations are a rich resource for CPD. They often offer sector-specific training and development programs, which can be particularly beneficial for staying up-to-date with industry-specific knowledge and practices​​​​.

3. Online Resources and E-Learning

The digital era offers a plethora of online learning platforms and resources. Engaging with these tools can provide interactive learning experiences, from simulations to video lectures, that can fit around your existing commitments​​.

Examples of 'Do's':

  • Do Keep Abreast of Industry Changes: Regularly seek out information on your industry’s latest best practices and emerging trends. This can be through professional publications, online resources, and industry reports​​.
  • Do Invest in Skill Development: Identify key skills that will benefit your career trajectory and seek out resources to develop them, whether they be leadership, technical skills, or industry-specific knowledge​​.

Examples of 'Don'ts':

  • Don't Neglect Soft Skills: While technical knowledge is important, soft skills such as communication, leadership, and problem-solving are increasingly valued and can be developed through CPD activities​​.
  • Don't Ignore Ethics and Professionalism: As you progress in your career, understanding the ethical implications of your work and maintaining professionalism becomes even more important. CPD can provide guidance on navigating these complex areas​​.

References and Further Reading:

  • VIU PD&T: A variety of courses and programs to provide additional Profession Development & Training
  • CPA Canada offers a range of professional development resources, including a career center and leadership councils, tailored for accounting professionals​​.
  • Western University provides CPD podcasts and developmental workshops, which are valuable for faculty and medical professionals looking to expand their knowledge​​.
  • The Canadian Nurses Association's Learning Centre offers engaging and interactive online courses to meet the continuing professional development needs of nurses​​.
  • The Law Society of Ontario's CPD programs focus on licensee and client mental health, reflecting the growing recognition of mental well-being in professional development​​.
  • The Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada provides accreditation for CPD activities, ensuring they meet the high standards required for medical professionals​​.

Conclusion: Personal Branding and Presentation

As we conclude this module on professional business etiquette, it is imperative for students to internalize the concept of personal branding and the importance of presentation. Your personal brand is a reflection of your professional identity — it's what people think of when they hear your name. It's shaped by your conduct, your online presence, your communication skills, and the way you network and interact with others in a professional context.

1. Consistency in Branding

Ensure that your personal brand is consistent across all platforms and interactions. This includes online profiles, resumes, cover letters, and in-person engagements. A cohesive personal brand will make you more memorable and trustworthy to employers.

2. Mindfulness of First Impressions

The adage, "You never get a second chance to make a first impression," holds particularly true in the professional world. From your attire to your email etiquette, every detail contributes to the initial impression you make. Approach employers and hiring managers with the appropriate level of formality and respect that the situation calls for.

3. Employer's Perspective

Always consider how you are perceived from the perspective of employers and hiring managers. They are looking for candidates who not only have the required skill set but also demonstrate professional etiquette, cultural fit, and the potential to represent the company well.

4. Reflection on the Institution

Remember that as a student or alum, your actions reflect not just on you, but also your university or educational institution. You uphold the reputation of the institution by presenting yourself in the best possible light.

5. Continuous Improvement

Professional etiquette and personal branding are not static; they require you to be engaged in continuous improvement and adaptation to the changing business landscape. Take the insights gained from this module and integrate them into your daily practices.

In summary, be mindful of your personal brand and how you are presenting yourself at all times. Approach every interaction with professionalism and consider how each action or communication may be interpreted by potential employers. By doing so, you position yourself not just for immediate opportunities but for a career defined by growth, professionalism, and success.

**This content was developed with the assistance of ChatGPT by OpenAI.