Thank you for considering sponsoring a student at Vancouver Island University. Your support plays a crucial role in advancing education and training within our community.
Sponsor application process
To formally sponsor a student, please follow these steps:
- Complete VIU's Application for Sponsorship
- Submit the completed sponsor application to AcctsRec@viu.ca on behalf of the student.
Grade information
If you require information on a sponsored student's grades or academic progress, you must obtain permission from the student before contacting VIU.
Billing procedures
When we receive the sponsor application, we will defer the student's tuition fees and code them for third-party billing. Here's what you need to know:
- Invoices will be issued after the course add/drop deadline of each term.
- Payment is due within 30 days upon receipt of the invoice.
- Invoices for programs outside the regular term schedule will be processed monthly.
Tuition deposit fees
Students registering for any semester may need to pay a non-refundable tuition deposit fee to secure a seat in a course or program. If a sponsor letter is presented on the day of registration, the tuition deposit fee will be deferred until invoicing.
Waitlist procedure
Sponsors will only be invoiced for courses in which the student is officially enrolled. Fees for waitlisted courses will not be charged until the student is enrolled.
Withdrawal procedures
It is the student's responsibility to officially withdraw from classes if they are unable to attend. Students can withdraw by completing the "Student Record Change" form at the Registration Centre.
Fee refunds
Refunds are available to sponsors under certain conditions:
- Refunds are calculated from the date the withdrawal form is received.
- Application and Student Fees are non-refundable.
- Only the Tuition Fee, excluding the Commitment Fee, is subject to the refund scale outlined in the VIU Calendar.
Sponsor liability
Sponsors assume financial responsibility for the student's fees upon submission of the sponsor letter. Please refrain from giving tuition money directly to the student after sending a sponsor letter. If fees are not paid, sponsors remain liable to VIU for the outstanding amount.
University pol
For further information
For further information please contact
Accounts Receivable Department
Vancouver Island University
900 Fifth Street,
Nanaimo, BC V9R 5S5
Tel: 250.740.6235
Fax: 250.740.6535
Email: AcctsRec@viu.ca