Before applying to VIU
- Check out Future Students information
- Explore careers and educational goals at Career Cruising (username and password: malaspina) or Education Planner BC.
- Learn about Pre-Professional Studies at VIU - plan for long term educational goals at and beyond VIU
- VIU Limited Entry Program Advising
After applying to VIU
Academic Advisors are available to support you in planning and preparing to begin your studies at VIU and through a positive and rewarding educational experience. We are your partners in learning. Connect early and often.
- New student checklist
- Ready, Set, Go - Success at VIU
- Back up planning for VIU Limited Entry Programs
- Access your VIU Student Record
Create an account in Experience Hub to book advising and other appointments and find out about events. Click on Future Students-Student Registration then Future Students/Future Student Login
- Register and attend a webinar
- Next Steps - March 5 - Register here
- Next Steps - April 2 - Register here
- Choosing Electives - April 16 - Register here
- Preprofessional Studies - April 23 - Register here
- Create your VIU Student Computer Account to gain access to on-campus WiFi and other VIU Services
- Register for Courses - Academic Advisors are available to help
- Create your VIU Student Computer Account to gain access to on-campus WiFi and other VIU Services
- Register for RockVIU
- Get to know your VIU Learn account
- Textbooks, Course Supplies and more at VIU Campus Store
- Register and attend an online webinar
Frequently Asked Questions
What is a Faculty?
A Faculty is a division within a university comprising one subject area, or a number of related subject areas Example: Faculty of Science and Technology.
What are Majors and Minors?
Major and Minors designate field(s) of specialization in an undergraduate program. Simply put, they are the the main subject(s) you study. Each specialization has a framework or Program Outline of requirements including a certain number of required courses and a certain number of freely chosen courses (electives). At VIU Bachelor degree must include at least one Major or two Minors. You do not have to choose a Major or Minors before or during your first year. Choosing before or early in second year is advisable. If you already know your plan for Major/Minor(s), connect with a Degree Advisor for that Faculty to 'declare' your goal and get coded in your Student Record.
How do I select a Major or Minor?
The process is different for every student and there is no particular order to follow. It is important to focus on gathering information about yourself, the Majors and Minors available and careers that interest you. Every subject Major/Minor has a Program Homepage link with great information.
Contact an Academic Advisor in the Advising Centre with your questions
Advising Video Playlist
- You are not alone - VIU Advising and how we can help
- Take the first step - VIU Advising supports for students
- Office hours - VIU Advising and how to get the most out of your post-secondary experience
- Advising at VIU - VIU Advising - how to connect with us and why you should
- VIU Advisors are here to Help - how advisors can help you with your educational goals