VIU scholarships and awards

Students who complete their profile will be considered for every award they are eligible for, eliminating the need to apply for multiple awards. 

To apply, be sure to complete and save your VIU Scholarship, Award and Bursary (SAB) Profile by the yearly application deadlines:

  • March 30 Midnight for scholarships and awards
  • October 30 Midnight for bursaries

The SAB profile is closed for internal updates from March 31 to August 31.

While some awards are given out over the summer for certain programs, most awards and scholarships are given out in the fall once the semester has started and we can confirm enrollment. They are typically given out as tuition credits prior to the tuition deadline. We select for more than 700 awards over the summer! 

Bursaries are disbursed in January once enrollment has been confirmed and before the tuition deadline. These are either tuition credits or cheques. 

Students who have been selected for a scholarship, award, or bursary will be contacted either by their department or by Financial Aid. We ask that any student receive an award drop off a thank you note or card to our front desk so that our generous donors know how much their support helps VIU students. 

Academic and Career Preparation (ACP) Award

This is open to students in Academic and Career Preparation at the Nanaimo Campus. Students must be highly motivated and committed to learning. Students must have overcome significant barriers in returning to learning, have better-than-average attendance, and contribute to a positive classroom atmosphere.

Alan Harrison Education Award

Available to ABE-ACP students who are progressing to their first year of a degree program at VIU.  Selection will be based on demonstrated financial need.

CFUW Nanaimo - Adult Basic Education Award $2,400 x 1

Available to female students in their final year of Academic and Career Preparation (ABE) courses. The student will be continuing her studies in a VIU degree program. Preference will be given to community involvement and excellent achievement.

Coastal Community Credit Union Nanaimo Award $800 x 1

Available to current Nanaimo campus ABE students or residents of SD #68. The student will enroll full-time in post-secondary studies for the first time. They will start in the Fall semester at any campus of VIU. We will consider financial need, as well as academic performance (current ABE students).

Coastal Community Credit Union Parksville/Qualicum Award $800 x 1 

Available to current ABE students or residents of SD #69. The student will enroll full-time in post-secondary studies for the first time. They will start in the Fall semester at any campus of VIU. We will consider financial need, as well as academic performance (current ABE students).

Cowichan Campus ABE Indigenous Student Award

Available to an Indigenous student in the ABE program at the Cowichan Campus. We will select students based on high grades, financial need and faculty nomination.

Cowichan Campus ABE Progression Awards

Available to students enrolled at the Cowichan Campus. They must be enrolled in ABE courses and entering any post-secondary program for Fall semester. We will select students based on good grades and faculty recommendation.

Cowichan Campus ABE Trades Award

Available to ABE students at the Cowichan Campus. The student will enter an Apprenticeship or Red Seal Program at VIU, or an accredited post-secondary institution. We will select students based on good grades, financial need and faculty nomination.

Dean's Award $1,000 x 1

Available to Academic and Career Preparation students at the Nanaimo campus who are entering any post-secondary program at VIU, including trades programs.  Selection based on financial need.

John and Page Porter Science Scholarship $2,500 x 1

This scholarship is for outstanding ABE chemistry students at the Cowichan Campus. They must be entering a Faculty of Science and Technology program at any VIU campus as a full-time student.

Joseph Lea and Associates Bursary $1,000 x 3

This bursary is for graduates of the Workplace Essential Skills and Training program (West). The student will continue their studies at VIU. We will select based on financial need and faculty recommendation.

Kiwanis Club of Duncan Award

Available to students enrolled in an ABE program at the Cowichan Campus.  We will select based on faculty recommendation.

Nicholas Plecas Achievement Scholarship $1,500 x 3

This scholarship is for high grades. It's for students enrolled in ABE Advanced or Science Foundations courses. The student is enrolling in Bachelor of Science or Bachelor of Applied Science. Or the student is enrolling in Resource Management, Forest Resources, or Fisheries and Aquaculture programs.

Richard W Johnston ABE Award - Cowichan

Available to full-time Academic and Career Preparation (ABE) students enrolled at Cowichan Campus.  Students must maintain a "B" average. They must have good attendance and be highly motivated.

Richard W Johnston ABE Award - Nanaimo

Available to full-time Academic and Career Preparation (ABE) students enrolled at the Nanaimo Campus.  Students must maintain a "B" average. They have good attendance and be highly motivated. 

Richard W Johnston ABE Award - Parksville

Available to full-time Academic and Career Preparation (ABE) students who are residents of the Parksville-Qualicum area.  Students must maintain a "B" average. They must have good attendance and be highly motivated.

Roger Prior Entrance Scholarship $1,900 x 1

Available to students graduating from the Academic and Career Preparation program. The student will be entering any first-year university program at VIU in the Fall semester.  We will selection winners based on good grades.

Rotary Club of Duncan - Daybreak Bursary

Available to students graduating from the ABE program at the Cowichan campus. Selection based on financial need.

Anthropology Club Award $500 x 1

Available to third- or fourth-year anthropology students with a "B" average or better. The student must demonstrate financial need. Students apply through the Anthropology Department. They must submit a 300-word essay with their application. The essay should address the question, "How will you use anthropology in your career?" and elaborate on their financial need. 

WorldBridger Award $750 x 1

Available to students in the Anthropology program. This award is for good grades and department recommendation.

Adventures in Anthropology Award $2,500 x 3

Available to 3rd or 4th year students with an Anthropology major and a minimum B average.  Applicants must be accepted to participate in a department sponsored field school.  Students who wish to be considered for this award must submit their application with a 300-word statement, and address the question, Why will attending a field school matter in your education in anthropology? 

Don Tamelin Athletic Award

Available to a member of a Mariners varsity team. The student is a CCAA All-Canadian in the current season. The student is committed to play in the upcoming year. If there all many eligible All-Canadians, the award will go to the athlete with the highest GPA.

Enterprise Rent-A-Car Award

Available to VIU student athletes, who are continuing to third year of their program.  We will select based on coach's recommendation for team contribution. Good grades are also considered.

George MacPherson Mariner Award $1,000 x 1

Available to VIU Mariner Hockey athletes. We select based on coaches' recommendation. If no hockey program is currently running, second preference will go to a member of the VIU Golf team.  If neither program has candidates, we may select any qualified Mariner.

Marc Petreman Memorial Award $1,900 x 1

Available to current VIU Badminton Club members who are full-time students.  We will also consider good grades.

Michael Walker and Janice Tissington Badminton Award $1,200 x 1

Available to current VIU Badminton Club members who are full-time students.  We will also consider good grades.

Ryan Thibault Memorial Award $1,000 x 1

Awarded to a current Men's Volleyball player. The student displays leadership, selflessness, teamwork, and outstanding athletic ability.  A committee of team players, coaches and the Athletic Director will make the selection.

A Rod Glen Business Management Award

Available to students in the Bachelor of Business Administration Program. Student must be a Canadian Citizens and a BC resident. We will also consider financial need.

Association of Women in Finance Award $3,500 x 1

This award is available to female students. They must be enrolled in the Bachelor of Business Administration program, with a major in Finance.  We will base the selection on academic achievement and demonstrated community leadership.

Bachelor of Business Administration ACCT 100 Award $800 x 1

Available to students enrolled in the Bachelor of Business Administration ACCT 100 course. They will continue at VIU in the fall. We select based on academic improvement and student life involvement. And on faculty recommendation.

Bachelor of Business Administration MGMT 192 Award $800 x 1

Available to students enrolled in the Bachelor of Business Administration MGMT 192 course. They will continue at VIU in the fall. We select based on academic improvement and student life involvement. And on faculty recommendation.

Brian Lewicki Memorial Accounting Scholarship

For top third-year students. They must be in the Accounting concentration of the BBA. We will base the selection on cumulative program GPA.

CNB Accounting Award

This award is for students in year 2 or 3 of the BBA program. They must be advancing to year 3 or 4. They intend to become Certified Professional Accountants (CPA). We will give preference to students with leadership experience and-or community involvement.

CPA Education Foundation of BC Award $1,000 x 1

This is available to top students in the ACCT 362 course at VIU. They must intend to become Chartered Professional Accountants.  Applicants must show community involvement or leadership. They do this by taking part in clubs, associations and-or sports.

Dana Spicer Bertrand Memorial Scholarship $2,500

This scholarship is for continuing students in the BBA program. It is for outstanding achievement. We will give preference to students who are enrolled in the Financial Services concentration.

Daniel Gardiner Business Excellence Scholarship

This scholarship is given to a top student. They are currently enrolled in  year 2 of the BBA program. They will continue to year 3 with a major in  Accounting or Finance.  We will be based the selection on the program cumulative GPA.

Danny Harris Memorial Scholarship

This scholarship is available to students in their second or third year of the BBA program.  We will base selection academic excellence, with preference given to students in the Marketing option.

Douglas A Johnston Accounting Award $1,000 x 2

It is available to graduating students from the BBA program. They must have an Accounting concentration. They will be enrolling in the CPA of BC Professional Education program. Successful applicants will be in the top 15% of BBA, Accounting major graduates. We will select based on grades and community service. They must have lived on Vancouver Island for the past five years, from Ladysmith to Qualicum Beach.

General Mid Island Co-op Award $1,500 x 1

Available to students enrolled in the BBA degree program, and who are Vancouver Island residents. Selection will be based on financial need, with preference given to Mid Island Co-op members.

Gosselin Family Accounting Award

This award is available to first year students entering second year of the BBA program. They should have career aspirations of becoming a Certified Professional Accountant (CPA) of BC.  Financial need will also be a basis for selection. This award is renewable. It is $2,000 in the third year, and $3,000 in the fourth year. But, you must maintain eligibility after each term.

H Ray and Grace L Ballard Accounting Scholarship $2,500 x 1

Available to Bachelor of Business Administration students enrolled in Intermediate Accounting. Selection based on high achievement.  Students should have completed Acct 335 in the fall semester.

Hazelwood Construction Business Award

Available to top Bachelor of Business Administration students. Preference given to students who graduated from School District #68.

Kerm Culham Business Award $800 x 1

Available to students enrolled in a Business Degree program.  Selection based on academic achievement and financial need.  Preference will be given to members, employees (or dependents) of Coastal Community Credit Union.

Margaret J Brown Memorial Business Award $1,700

Available to students enrolled in, and continuing in, the Bachelor of Business Administration program.  Applicants must describe how the criteria has been met, and why they qualify for this award.  Selection based on academic achievement with financial need being considered.

MNP Nanaimo Founders Award - Bob McDougall and Barney Bestwick $1,000 x 4

Available to students in the Bachelor of Business Administration program. Selection based on academic achievement, community involvement and/or sportsmanship.  Preference will be given to students in the Accounting concentration.

Nanaimo Women's Business Network Award $2,500 x 1

Available to female students enrolled in, or continuing in, full-time business-related certificate or degree programs.  Based on financial need and achievement.

Nanaimo Women's Business Network Business Award $1,300 x 1

Available to mature female students, enrolled in a 100% course load, who are continuing from first to second year at VIU in the Business program. 

New Car Dealers of BC Foundation Award for Business Students

Available to continuing students in a business program.  Preferred applicants will be those who have an interest in a technical, accounting, management, sales or marketing career with the New Car Dealers of BC.  Applicants must be residents of BC.  Successful applicants may be asked to participate in a testimonial.

Nick Peters Memorial Award $1,200 x 1

Available to students enrolled in third or fourth year of the Bachelor of Business Administration - Accounting program, who have shown passion for the accounting field and have overcome obstacles.

RBC Dominion Securities Scholarship $1,000 x 1

Available for academic achievement to students enrolled in any of the following programs:  Applied Business Technology, Certificate in Business Management, Diploma in Business Management or Bachelor of Business Administration.

Tom Harris Memorial Scholarship

Available to students in their second or third year of the Bachelor of Business Administration program.  Selection based on academic excellence, with preference given to students in the Marketing option.

United Floors Business Award

Available to second year students, continuing to third year of the Bachelor of Business Administration program, with selection based on academic achievement and financial need.

Vancouver Island LGMA Robert Skene Memorial Award

Available to undergraduate students in the Bachelor of Business Administration degree, Business Administration diploma or Certificate in Business Management programs, with preference to students having obtained a B+ average. Students must demonstrate an interest in local government which can be evidenced through university course work, past employment or future career plans. Applicants must be residents of Vancouver Island, Sunshine Coast or Powell River, and show financial need.

Vancouver Island Real Estate Board - Nanaimo Scholarship $1,500 x 1

Available to students continuing in the BBA program at VIU, based on academic excellence.

VIREB and REF of BC Business Scholarship $1,900 x 1

Awarded to a top second year student, based on GPA, progressing to third year in the Finance Option of the Bachelor of Business Administration Program.

VIU Bookstore Business Award

Available for financial need to third or fourth year Bachelor of Business Administration students, with preference given to students enrolled in a Marketing or Management concentration.

VIU Business Students Association Legacy Award $1,200 x 1

Available to students enrolled in the Bachelor of Business Administration program, who are active members of the VIU Business Students Association, participating in events and meetings.

Windsor Plywood Business Management Award $2,500 x 1

Awarded to a top second or third year BBA student, with the highest GPA, continuing at VIU in the fall, and who will be continuing to a Marketing option.

Criminology Student Association Award

Available to students enrolled in 3rd or 4th year of the Criminology degree program, based on academic achievement and financial need.  Community involvement will also be considered.

Coca-Cola Culinary Arts Scholarship

Available to graduating VIU Culinary Arts students.  Selection is based on academic excellence.

Cowichan Culinary Leadership Award

Available to students enrolled in the culinary program, with selection based on academic achievement, and demonstrated leadership.  Preference will be given to students enrolled at the Cowichan campus.

David and Maureen Thomas Culinary Arts Award $1,200 x 1

Available to students who are hardworking, ambitious, talented, and passionate about the profession, and who show promise in the culinary field. Selection based on instructor recommendation.

Debbie Shore Award $100 x 2

Available to students who have demonstrated dedication and hard work in the Culinary Arts program.

Diploma Award of Excellence

This award goes to students who exemplify a positive attitude towards the Culinary Arts, shows promise of succeeding in the chosen profession, and who excels in all aspects of the Culinary Diploma program.

House of Knives Award

The value of this award varies, and is in the form of a Knife Set, and a gift card.  Available to students in the Culinary Arts certificate or diploma program, with selection based on academic achievement, leadership and promise in the field.

Josephine Chong "Chef Mom" Award $1,000 x 1

Available to students enrolled in the Culinary Arts certificate program, with preference given to students who demonstrate consideration for others. Selection made by faculty recommendation.

Pacific Rim Academy of Chefs Award $1,500 x 1

Available to top graduates of the Culinary Arts program.

Powell River Culinary Arts Award

Available to students enrolled in the tiwšɛmawtxʷ (Powell River) Culinary Arts program who have shown promise in the culinary field. Selection is based on instructor recommendation with preference to those with financial need.

VIU Culinary 2nd Year Scholarship $1,500 x 3

Available to students entering the second year of the Culinary Arts diploma program.  Selection will be based on academic excellence and financial need.

VIU Board Members Award $2,500 x 1

Available to second year students continuing to third year of any VIU degree program, with selection based on academic performance and financial need.

VIU Faculty Association Degree Entrance Scholarship up to $2,500 per semester x 1

Award will be a maximum of $5,000, (up to $2,500 issued for each of Fall and Spring*).  Available to second year students, who are enrolled in a 100% course load, with high GPA, who are continuing into a degree program at VIU delivered by members of VIUFA.  *Funds for spring semester are contingent upon successful completion of the fall, with a minimum GPA of 3.5, and 100% course load in spring.

123Dentist Enthusiasm and Dedication Award - Dental Assistant Program

Available to students enrolled in the Dental Assistant program who have shown the most growth and passion for the field. Selection will be based on financial need with academic achievement being considered.

Donna Blackhall-Pearce Award for Professionalism $150 x 1

Available to students in the Dental Assisting program who exhibit professional behaviour and attitude in all areas of the program, and work well within the classroom team, and during clinical practical.

Nanaimo and District Dental Society Award $700 x 1

Available to top students graduating from the Dental Assisting program.

Patterson Dental Canada Inc Scholarship

Available to students in the Dental Assisting program, with selection based on instructor recommendation.

Petricca Foundation for Periodontics and Implantology Award $400 x 2

Available to students in the Dental Assisting program, with selection based on instructor recommendation.

123Dentist Enthusiasm and Dedication Award - Dental Hygiene Program

Available to students enrolled in second year of the Dental Hygiene program who have shown the most growth and passion for the field. Selection will be based on financial need with academic achievement being considered.

BCDHA Award of Excellence - Second Year $1,000 x 1

Awarded to a student graduating from the Dental Hygiene program, who has demonstrated the highest clinical proficiency, and who is a student member of the BCDHA.  Selection will be based on recommendation of program faculty.

BCDHA First Year Achievement Award $600 x 1

Available to the BCDHA student member who demonstrates the highest overall standing after completing their first year of dental hygiene studies.  

Dr Michael Rockwell Dental Health Award $1,100 x 1 

Available to 1st year students continuing to 2nd year in the Dental Hygiene diploma program. Selection based on overall achievement, attitude, professionalism and faculty recommendation. Financial need may be considered.

Petricca Foundation for Periodontics and Implantology Award

Available to students in the Dental Hygiene program, with selection based on instructor recommendation.

BC Hydro Endowment Award $2,500 x 1

Available to continuing students with a disability, based on scholastic achievement, community involvement, knowledge of and commitment to the protection of the environment and efficient and safe use of electricity.

Judith Arnold Award $1,000 x 1

Available to students with a disability who are enrolled in at least two Academic and Career Preparation (ABE) courses, or a minimum of 3 courses (9 credits) in a university program, or at least half-time in an applied or career program.  Selection based on academic achievement (min. GPA 2.33) in the spring semester, with financial need being considered.

Kiwanis Sunrisers Special Needs Award

Available to students living with a disability, who demonstrate incentive and who are working / learning to the best of their abilities.  Preference will be given to students who are not receiving other awards.  Applicants must specify how they fulfil the criteria and, if selected, will be required to attend a meeting of the Kiwanis Club of Nanaimo Sunrisers.

VIU Entrance Award for Students with Disabilities $2,500 x 1

Available for academic achievement to first year students with a disability, enrolled in a full-time course load.  Financial need will also be considered.

VIU Scholarship for Students with Disabilities $1,300

Available for academic excellence to continuing students, with a disability, who are enrolled full-time.

Beverly Revin Scholarship $1,000 x 1

Available to first year ECEC students who will be continuing to second year.  Selection based on achievement with recipient selected by program faculty.  Open to domestic and international students.

Early Childhood Educators of BC Award

Available to students continuing to second year of the Early Childhood Education and Care program, with selection based on academic achievement and instructor recommendation regarding potential. 

Dr Jixin Xu Economics Award $3,000 x 3

Available to 2nd, 3rd or 4th year students enrolled in Bachelor of Arts - Economics Major/Minor, or Bachelor of Business Administration with a concentration in Economics. To apply, students must submit a short essay with their on-line award profile as to why they enjoy economics, and why they chose that direction of study.


Annie May Beck Education Award $2,500 x 3

Available to students enrolled in the Bachelor of Education program at VIU.  Preference will be given to graduates of School District #68 (Nanaimo).

Cindy Hammond Elementary Education Award $2,300 x 1

Available to 3rd year students enrolled in Bachelor of Education - Elementary Program, who will be progressing to 4th year.  Recipient must be enthusiastic and highly motivated.  Selection will be made in conjunction with Education Faculty.

Frank and Ray Award for Education $1,000 x 1

Available to 2nd year students entering the 3rd year Bachelor of Education Program who demonstrate community engagement and/or leadership. First preference will be given to those residing in Ladysmith, with second preference to those who have demonstrated financial need.

Helga Bonkowski Education Award $2,300 x 3

Based on academic achievement, financial need, and faculty recommendation, available to 2nd or 3rd year Education students returning to 3rd or 4th year of the Bachelor of Education program, preference will be given to those whose objective is to teach in the primary grades (years K-4).  Applicants must specify how they fulfil the criteria, and attach a letter of recommendation from a faculty member.

Herten Family Education Award $2,100 x 1

Available to students who are entering in, or continuing to, the Post Bac. Education program.  Selection will be made by Education faculty based on academic standing, references and intake interview.  Preference will be given to those enrolling in the elementary or secondary school option.

Jean Whiteside Forrest Education Award $2,300 x 1

Available to 4th year Bachelor of Education students who have been accepted into year 5 of the Post Baccalaureate program, and whose objective is to teach in the elementary grades. Selection will be based on financial need, with preference given to tuition waiver recipients.

Judy Simmons Memorial Award

Available to students enrolled in the Education program, who demonstrate strong character and work ethics, and who also show financial need.  Applicants must attach a letter of recommendation from a faculty member.

Margaret J Brown Memorial Education Award $1,700

Available to students enrolled in, and continuing in, the Bachelor of Education degree program (including post-Baccalaureate Education degree).  Applicants must describe how the criteria has been met, and why they qualify for this award.  Selection based on academic achievement with financial need being considered.

Ms Mollie Byrne Education Scholarship $2,500 x 2

Available to students in third or fourth year of the Bachelor of Education program, with demonstrated academic excellence.

NDTA Future Teachers' Award $1,500 x 1

Available to indigenous students enrolled in the education program, either in 3rd or 4th year undergrad or 5th or 6th year post-baccalaureate.

Rotary Club of Nanaimo Daybreak Education Award

Available to students with demonstrated financial need, who are enrolled full time, and will be continuing in any Education program.

Royal Canadian Legion Branch 257 - Alice Hobbs Education Award

Available to students continuing in an Education Degree program at VIU or another post-secondary institution, with preference to someone who is:  1) a member, or whose parent or grandparent is a member of Branch 257, or 2) a resident of Lantzville, or 3) affiliated with another Royal Canadian Legion, or has served in the Military/Cadet service.  Financial need may also be taken into consideration.

VIU Cowichan Campus Aboriginal Education Award

Available to second year Aboriginal students who are entering into third year of the Bachelor of Education program at VIU in the fall.  Selection will be based on academic excellence.

Captain Sydney Mansbridge Memorial Engineering Scholarship $1,000 x 2

Available to full time students enrolled in the Engineering program as first priority, or to those in a Bachelor of Science, Engineering major as second priority. Selection will be based on academic achievement, with preference given to at least one male and one female.

Caswell Family Memorial Scholarship

Available to science students for academic achievement.  Preference will be given to students pursuing a career in engineering.

Dr Donald Noakes Memorial Award $2,500 x 1

Awarded to students entering into second year of either the Engineering Transfer or Engineering Technologist program at VIU. Selection will be based on demonstrated passion for the Engineering Industry and made by program faculty.

Engineers and Geoscientists BC - Vancouver Island Award

Available to students enrolled in an Engineering program at VIU, or to VIU students who are proceeding to an Engineering degree at another institution for the upcoming fall semester.  Award is based on high academic achievement and extra-curricular involvement.

Herold Engineering Entrance Award $500 x 2

Available to students entering the Engineering program at VIU.  The intent of this award is to benefit a first year student who demonstrates strong academics, leadership in school, sports or clubs, volunteer and extra-curricular activities, and a commitment to their community. Applicants will be required to include an essay with their application (up to 500 words) describing how they fulfill the criteria, and a copy of their high school transcript.

Nicholas Plecas Engineering Entrance Award $1,500 x 2

Available to students entering either the Engineering Transfer or Engineering Technologist Diploma program at VIU. Selection will be based on financial need and community involvement.

Nicholas Plecas Engineering Award $1,500 x 1

Available to students entering the second year of either the Engineering Transfer or Engineering Technologist Diploma program at VIU. Selection will be based on financial need and community involvement.

RB Engineering Award $1,500 x 1

Available to students currently enrolled in the Engineering program, or to those in Science and Technology programs whose future goals are to pursue a career in Engineering. Selection will be based on academic excellence, with preference given to students who are also a VIU Mariner Athlete. 

VMAC Engineering Award

Awarded to students entering into second year of either the Engineering Transfer or Engineering Technologist program at VIU. Selection will be based on financial need and community involvement.

Barry Broadfoot Award for Journalism/Creative Non-Fiction $1,000 x 2

Available to students in journalism and/or creative writing non-fiction courses, whose efforts, integrity and potential as a writer in the field is deserving of encouragement.

Bill Juby Award $1,000 x 2 for ENG $1,000 x 1 for CREW

Available to mature part-time students in English or Creative Writing, who are continuing at VIU in the fall.  Selection will be based on academic achievement.

Helen "Nellie" Keigan Memorial Award $1,700 x 1

For students of children’s literature who demonstrate a sensitivity to the imagination of children, and who show originality and creativity in unlocking children’s natural potential.

Jason Mayes Memorial Award $500 x 1

Available to third or fourth year Creative Writing / Journalism students enrolled in Publishing or Scriptwriting.

Jason Peskanovich Memorial Award $1,300 x 1

Available to continuing students majoring in English or Creative Writing, with selection based on academic achievement and financial need.

Kevin Roberts Poetry Award $500 x 1

Available to continuing students in English or Creative Writing, who demonstrate excellence in writing poetry, or the literary study of poetry, as determined by faculty from the English and Creative Writing departments.

LC Parkin Memorial Award $1,000 x 1

Applicants must demonstrate potential for success through traits such as ability to meet deadlines, by showing original written expression, and by having had work published or performed in a medium for which the consumer pays.

Mary Garland Coleman Prize in Lyric Poetry Scholarship

Available to students in Academic and Career Preparation or University courses in any year of study, who demonstrate excellence in writing lyrical poetry.  Applicants must submit a poem with their application.

Meadowlarks Award $2,000 x 4

Available to full-time or part-time students in Creative Writing who have produced a body of promising work, and have demonstrated a genuine dedication to, and grasp of the craft of fiction. Not awarded to writers of genre fiction.  Financial need may be considered.  Must be a "Jacob Wrestler". Preference will be as follows:  two awards to students currently enrolled in year 2, and two awards to students currently enrolled in year 3.

Mike Matthews Award for Studies in Canadian Literature $1,000 x 1

Available to students who have a strong interest and passion for Canadian Literature and who are enrolled in a Bachelor of Arts program with a major or minor in English. Preference will be given to students who will be pursuing further studies in their field, and whose focus is on effective writing, originality and humour.

Morris Donaldson Memorial Scholarship $1,400

Available to continuing students who demonstrate academic growth, originality and commitment to a career in English studies.

Myrtle Bergren Creative Writing Award

Available to full or part-time creative writing students demonstrating promise in the field, who intend to pursue further studies in creative writing at VIU or another BC University.

Pat Bevan Scholarship in Creative Writing - Fiction

Available to continuing full-time students showing promise in writing fiction,  who combine high academic achievement, creativity, motivation and enthusiasm, and who make a positive contribution to their classes.

Pat Bevan Scholarship in Creative Writing - Poetry

Available to continuing full-time students showing promise in writing poetry, who combine high academic achievement, creativity, motivation and enthusiasm, and who make a positive contribution to their classes.

Pat Bevan Scholarship in English Literature

Available to continuing full-time students in English literature, who combine high academic achievement, creativity, motivation and enthusiasm, and who make a positive contribution to their classes.

Rhonda Bailey Publishing Award

Available to full or part-time publishing (CREW 230, 330, 331, 430, 431) students in Creative Writing who demonstrate: academic achievement, leadership; strong editorial instincts and skills; knowledge of the current publishing landscape; creativity; and who aspire to a career in the book, magazine, or online publishing industry.

Rollie Rose Scholarship

Available to students enrolled in the Creative Writing and Journalism program, who are residents of the Cowichan Valley (from Mill Bay to Ladysmith).  Selection will be based on financial need.

TouchWood Editions Award

Available to full or part-time publishing (CREW 230, 330, 331, 430, 431) students in Creative Writing who demonstrate: academic achievement, leadership; strong editorial instincts and skills; knowledge of the current publishing landscape; creativity; and who aspire to a career in the book, magazine, or online publishing industry. Recipients selected by the Publishing instructor in the department.

NOTE: Students are not automatically considered for Entrance awards upon acceptance into VIU. You must complete a profile in order to be considered, which you can do once you have received a student number. 

BC Lions Society Advanced Education Fund Entrance Award $1,800 x 2

Available to students with a developmental, learning, neurological, sensory or physical disability, enrolling full-time in first year of university studies at VIU in the Fall semester.  Financial need will also be considered.

CFUW Nanaimo Re-entry Award $1,300 x 1

Available to female students who have experienced an interruption of studies, and who will be commencing full-time studies at VIU in the fall in a university program leading to a degree.  Applicants must have previously completed at least the equivalent of one year in a degree program. Selection is also based on excellent achievement, and financial need.

CIBC Entrance Award $500 x 2

Available to high school graduates from Vancouver Island or the Sunshine Coast, who are Canadian Citizens.  Selection will be based on academic excellence, combined with evidence of community involvement and/or entrepreneurship.

CIBC Entrance Endowment Award $1,500

Available to high school graduates from Vancouver Island or the Sunshine Coast, who are Canadian Citizens.  Selection will be based on academic excellence, combined with evidence of community involvement and/or entrepreneurship.

Culinary Institute of Vancouver Island at VIU Entrance Award $1,500 x 3

Available to students entering the Culinary Arts certificate or diploma program. Selection will be based on academic excellence and financial need. Applicants must upload their most recent transcripts via the on-line award profile. Students who successfully complete first year, and are continuing to second year of the diploma program, may be eligible for additional funding toward their second year.

Frank Ney Memorial Entrance Award $1,400 x 1

Available to graduates of a Nanaimo High School entering an applied, technology or university program at VIU.  Must demonstrate financial need.

Herold Engineering Entrance Award $500 x 2

Available to students entering the Engineering program at VIU.  The intent of this award is to benefit a first-year student who demonstrates strong academics, leadership in school, sports or clubs, volunteer and extra-curricular activities, and a commitment to their community. Applicants will be required to include an essay with their application (up to 500 words) describing how they fulfill the criteria, and a copy of their high school transcript.

Horticulture Technician Award $1,000 x 1

Entrance award based on academic achievement and financial need. Applicants must submit a paragraph explaining why they are interested in studying in the Horticultural Technician program.

Micah Messent Memorial Indigenous Award $2,500 x 2

Available to Indigenous Students entering the Bachelor of Arts in Indigenous/Xwulmuxw Program. Selection based on academic achievement and demonstrated financial need. First preference given to students from George P. Vanier Secondary School. If no qualified candidates from George P. Vanier, next preference will be given to students graduating from other schools in District #71.

Mosaic Forest Management Forestry Entrance Scholarship $2,000 x 1

Available to students entering the Forestry Program at VIU. Selection based on academic achievement and demonstrated intent to work in the related field. Preference to First Nations students.

Nicholas Plecas Engineering Entrance Award $1,500 x 1

Available to students entering either the Engineering Transfer or Engineering Technologist Diploma program at VIU. Selection will be based on financial need and community involvement.

Nicholas Plecas Entrance Scholarship $2,500 x 1

Available for academic excellence, to students entering Bachelor of Science or Applied Science programs at VIU in the fall semester.

Nora Fulton Gibson Entrance Award $1,000 x 1

Available for academic achievement and financial need to high school graduates, or mature students, entering VIU for the first time in any program.  Preference will be given to students from the Cowichan Valley.

Peninsula Co-op Entrance Award $1,000 x 3

Available to high school graduates who have achieved a high academic standing in both Grade 11 and 12, (B average or better), who will be enrolling in a full time post-secondary program for the first time. Students are required to be Canadian Citizens and be able to demonstrate a history of contributions to the community through volunteering, leadership, high school involvement or extra-curricular activities. Applicants, or their immediate family, must also have an active membership in good standing with the Peninsula Co-op, for no less than one year at the start of classes. Membership will be verified prior to selection.

Pisces BBA Entrance Scholarship $2,500 x 1

Available to students of First Nations background, entering the Bachelor of Business Administration degree program at VIU.  Applicants must have attained a minimum GPA of 3.5 in the previous year (in high school or VIU upgrading).  Award may be renewed in the fall term each year for the duration of the student’s four-year undergraduate program, providing a cumulative GPA of 3.5 and a minimum course load of 80% is maintained.  Applicants are requested to include a short bio outlining their background and aspirations.

Pisces BSN Entrance Scholarship $2,500 x 1

Available to students of First Nations background, entering the Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree program at VIU.  Applicants must have attained a minimum GPA of 3.5 in the previous year (in high school or VIU upgrading).  Applicants are requested to include a short bio outlining their background and aspirations.

Pisces Entrance Scholarship $2,500 x 1

Available to students entering a degree program at VIU.  Preference will be given to students entering the BBA program, or who are of Aboriginal descent.  Applicants must have attained a minimum GPA of 3.5 in the previous year (in high school or VIU upgrading).  Award may be renewed in the fall term each year for the duration of the student’s four year undergraduate program, providing a cumulative GPA of 3.5 and a minimum course load of 80% is maintained.  Applicants are requested to include a short bio outlining their background and aspirations.

Thelma Mansbridge Early Childhood Education Memorial Scholarship $2,400 x 1

Available to students entering the Early Childhood Education program for the upcoming fall semester. First preference will be given to those who will be enrolled in the program at the Cowichan Campus, or secondly to a Cowichan resident. If no qualified students meet the Cowichan Campus or residency criteria, those enrolling at Nanaimo campus will be considered.

Tommy Douglas Entrance Award $1,800 x 1

Available for academic excellence to students proceeding directly from High School to post-secondary education at VIU for the fall semester.

Victoria Foundation Chinese Canadian Community Scholarship $5,000 x 3

Available to Canadian citizens or permanent residents, who are of Chinese origin, and who will be entering VIU for the first time in the fall semester.

VIU Cowichan Campus High School Entrance Award

Available to students who are proceeding directly from high school and will be entering their first year of University studies at VIU.

VIU International Refugee Newcomer Award - several

Entrance award based on financial need is available to students who have arrived as refugees to Canada within the last five years.  Applicants must be accepted into any Academic or Trades program, including ESL - Level AP4 or above.

VIU Student Call Centre Entrance Award $750 x 1

Established by the VIU Call Centre students, this award is to support students who are beginning their studies at VIU.

Woody and Marlene Hayes Award $1,200 x 1

For strong students with evident motivation, who may not necessarily be in the top 5% academically, and who demonstrate financial need. Available to students entering a certificate, diploma or degree program in business at either the management or support level. Preference given to students graduating from a Secondary School in the Cowichan Valley, SD #79.

Apollo Award

Available to students in the Graphic Design program.  Based on academic achievement and faculty recommendation.

David Lambert Memorial Purchase Prize $75 x 1

For excellence in ceramics, available to full-time students registered in a ceramics course.  Judging of works entered in annual Student Art Show.  Based on faculty recommendation.  General award criteria may be waived.

EJ Hughes Memorial Award in Visual Arts $1,000 x 1

Available to students for excellence shown in painting, drawing, and/or printmaking.

Godfrey and Marjorie Rice Award $1,000 x 1

Available to Visual Arts students, enrolled in at least 9 credits of painting courses in year 2 or year 3.   Selection based on faculty recommendation.

Goodall-Rich Johnston Award $500 x 1

Available to first year students in the Visual Arts program whose work in painting reflects the "Spirit of Edward Goodall's love of nature".  Students must show promise and have demonstrated hard work and commitment in the study of painting.

Interior Design Endowment Award $900 x 1

Available to students in the Interior Design program, based on performance and recommendation of Fine Arts Faculty. 

Interior Designers Institute of BC (IDIBC) Award $1,000 x 1

Awarded to a graduating Bachelor of Interior Design student who is a member of IDIBC, and whose Senior Project, specifically in its programming, schematic design, and design development phases, has demonstrated IDIBC's Vision: "To benefit public health, safety and welfare, contribute to the enhancement of the environment and increase the perception, appreciation and value of design in the community."

Visual Arts Endowment Award

Available to students in Visual Arts programs, based on performance and recommendation of Fine Arts faculty.  General award criteria may be waived.

B & S Fishing for Fun Award

Available to students enrolled in the Fisheries & Aquaculture program, who demonstrate financial need and who are an active community volunteer.

BC Shellfish Industry Award

Available to full-time students proceeding to third or fourth year in the BSc or BA degree program. Preference will be given to students having a minor in Aquaculture, and a research interest in shellfish.

Brent Lister Memorial Scholarship $1,000 x 1

Available to students enrolled in either the Fisheries & Aquaculture or Bachelor of Science - Aquaculture program, with preference given to students who have demonstrated an interest in conservation or protection of local species.

Cermaq Canada Award

This award is available to students enrolled in the Fisheries and Aquaculture diploma or degree program. Preference will be given to students demonstrating leadership and safety, and who show an interest in sustainability, or fin fish aquaculture.

CFUW Nanaimo - Ocean Sciences Marine Biology Celebration Award $2,400 x 1

Preference to female students in their 3rd or 4th year of study in a degree program related to ocean sciences, marine biology, fisheries or aquaculture.  Preference will be given to Indigenous students.

Dr Brian Riddell - PSF Fisheries Award

The award will be available to full-time students (minimum 12 credit hours of study) with a keen interest in wild salmon conservation and management, and who would benefit from this award in his or her aspirations to work and contribute in the field.

Dr Daniel M Ware Memorial Award $1,800 x 1

Available to Fisheries & Aquaculture students, degree or diploma, who are focused on Fisheries and Oceanography.  Selection will be made by program faculty, based on academic achievement.

Eunice Lam Award $2,100 x 2

Available to students enrolled in a Fisheries & Aquaculture diploma or degree program, who demonstrate participation in community volunteer activities.

Fan Seafoods Ltd. Shellfish Endowment Scholarship

For students continuing to second year in the Fisheries & Aquaculture program who have demonstrated potential for practical research in Shellfish Aquaculture.  GPA and outstanding work on any shellfish project considered in selecting recipient.

Fanny Bay Salmonid Enhancement Society Award

Available to students in the Fisheries & Aquaculture, or Bachelor of Science in Fisheries & Aquaculture programs who show passion and enthusiasm in the protection and preservation of wild salmon.  Selected by faculty, based on demonstrated financial need.

Frank Bernard Award in Fisheries $2,500 x 2

For students continuing to second, third or fourth year in Fisheries & Aquaculture, who demonstrate financial need and above average dedication and commitment to their work.  Selection also based on recommendation by Fisheries & Aquaculture department.

Island Scallops Fisheries and Aquaculture Scholarship

Available to students enrolled in the Fisheries & Aquaculture diploma or degree program, with selection based on academic excellence.

Long Beach Lodge Resort - Sandy Miller Memorial Award

Available to an outstanding Fisheries and Aquaculture student, diploma or degree, with a demonstrated interest and dedication to salmon.

MOWI Canada West Scholarship

Available to students continuing in the Fisheries & Aquaculture diploma or degree program, who have demonstrated academic achievement, applied skills, and a career interest in finfish aquaculture.  Those wishing to be considered must submit a paper, on the topic of their choice, about the salmon aquaculture industry in BC by March 31st.  Papers to be submitted to, and reviewed by, the Fisheries & Aquaculture faculty.

Nanaimo Marine Pavilion Scholarship - Fisheries and Aquaculture Program $500 x 1

Available to students continuing from first to second year in the Fisheries & Aquaculture program, with selection based on GPA.

Nicholas Plecas Aquaculture Award

Available for academic achievement and proficiency in the field to returning Fisheries and Aquaculture students.

NPA Board CIF Fisheries and Aquaculture Award for Aboriginal Students $1,000 x 1

Available to Aboriginal students in the Fisheries and Aquaculture program.  Selection based on academic achievement.

NPA Board CIF Fisheries and Aquaculture Scholarship

Available to top students in the Fisheries and Aquaculture program.  Selection based on academic achievement.

Sandy Miller PSF Fisheries Award

This award is available to full-time students, (minimum 12 credit hours of study), with a keen interest in fisheries, salmon conservation, and in aquatic stewardship, and who would benefit from this award in his or her aspirations to work and contribute in the field.

Skretting Aquaculture Award

Available to students in third or fourth year BSc or BA degree, with preference to those having a minor in Aquaculture.  Selection made by faculty, based on academic achievement. 

Tom Orr Memorial Award - Sponsored by the PPFA

Available to students enrolled in the Fisheries & Aquaculture diploma or degree program, with selection made by faculty based on academic achievement.

Underwater Harvesters Association Research Society Award

Available to students continuing into third or fourth year of the BSc or BA program, with preference to those having a minor in Aquaculture.  Applicants must submit a research paper with their application, on a topic of their choice related to their program.  Papers will be reviewed by the donor organization.

William E Ricker Memorial Scholarship

Available to an outstanding third or fourth year student in the BSc or BA degree program. Preference will be given to students who have intentions of pursuing graduate studies in a Fisheries-themed topic.  Selection will be based on academic excellence and recommendation of faculty.

Association of BC Forest Professionals Award $2,500 x 1

For Forestry students continuing to 2nd year of the Forestry program at VIU, who demonstrate a strong desire to pursue a career as a Forest Professional and obtain Registered Forest Technologist (RFT), or Registered Professional Forester (RPF) designation with the ABCFP; or a graduating Forestry student continuing to any accredited post secondary institution in Canada to take further Forestry courses (or related courses) aimed specifically toward a career in Professional Forestry with the goal of obtaining RPF designation with the ABCFP.  Preference to students who exhibit a combination of academic achievement, leadership and involvement in extracurricular Forestry activities.

Canadian Institute of Forestry Scholarship

Provided by the Southern Vancouver Island Chapter of CIF for first or second year Forestry students who combine academic achievement, good citizenship, sports involvement and participation in forestry awareness programs.

Coastal Silviculture Committee Forestry Award $1,000 x 2

Available to second year Forestry (silviculture) students, based on academic achievement, professionalism, financial need and faculty recommendation.

Coastland Wood Industries Award $750 x 1 

Available to students in the Forestry program, based on academic achievement.

CS Buzzard Scholarship $500 x 1

Available to students with a forestry-related career goal, with selection based on academic excellence.

Don and Beth Hammond Memorial Scholarship $750 x 1

Available to second year Forestry students, based on academic standing, instructor recommendation and promise in the field of silviculture.

Frank A and Roselyn Mandalik Forestry Award $3,500 x1

Available to Forest Resources Technology students who demonstrate leadership, positive attitudes, and who are mindful of safety.  Applicants must submit an essay to provide examples of leadership endeavours.  Financial need will also be considered.

Graham Blakey Memorial Award $2,100 x 1

This award is available to first year students in the Forestry program.  The Graham Blakey Memorial Award will be issued to an outstanding student that embodies dedication, commitment, teamwork and helps to create a positive classroom environment.

Hoo Hoo Club Award $2,500 x 2

Available for financial need and academic achievement, to students in the Forestry Resources program, whose permanent residence is on Vancouver Island or the Gulf Islands.

Khowutzun Forestry Services Award

Available to students enrolled in second year of the Forestry program with selection based on demonstrated financial need.

Michelle Valee Memorial Forestry Award

Available to students entering second year of the Forest Resources Technology Program who demonstrate dedication to the pursuit of the forestry profession. First preference to students who are succeeding academically, but not necessarily the top students. Second consideration to the most improved students.

Mid Island Co-op Forest Resources Award

Available to students continuing in the Forestry Resources Technology program at VIU. Selection based on academic achievement, with financial need being considered.  Open to residents in the area from Duncan to North Island. Applicants must be affiliated with Mid Island Co-op. Member's name and number will be required on the application.

Mosaic Forest Management Forestry Scholarship

Available to students in the Forestry Program at VIU. Selection based on academic achievement and demonstrated intent to work in the related field. Preference to First Nations students.

Nicholas Plecas Forest Resources Award

Available for academic achievement and proficiency in the field to returning second year Forestry students.

Ray Robazza Memorial Forestry Award (WFP) $1,000 x 1

Offered annually by Western Forest Products in recognition of Ray Robazza to celebrate his integrity, joie de vivre and his commitment to developing the next generation of foresters.  The award is offered to students enrolled, or enrolling in the Forest Resources Technology Program, with preference to students who have graduated from secondary schools in communities where Western Forest Products operates, or to those who have worked for, or have a direct family member who works for Western Forest Products. Consideration to students with demonstrated passion for forestry and intent on a career in the BC coastal forest industry upon graduation.

South Island Fire Management Organization Award

Available to Forestry students who demonstrate an interest or career objective in fire protection. Based on faculty recommendation.

Squire Forestry Award

Available to first or second year Forestry students whose attitude and effort engender a positive influence on the overall learning environment within the class.

Truck Loggers Association Award

Available to students enrolled in the Forestry program, with selection based on academic achievement.  Students must be enrolled in at least an 80% course load, and have an interest in a forestry career.

Alex Marriott Memorial Award $1,800 x 1

Available to VIU students who have received care at BC Children's Hospital. Selection will be based on academic achievement, with preference given to students enrolled in the Faculty of Management, Marketing concentration

Altrusa Gwladys Brewster Memorial Award $2,000 x 1

Available to students who are residents of Nanaimo, with selection based on financial need, academic excellence and community involvement.  Preference will be given to female students.

Art Mann Memorial Scholarship

Based on financial need, available to students enrolled in any post-secondary program, who are residents of the Cowichan Valley (from Mill Bay to Ladysmith).

Audrey Gordon Award $2,500 x 2

Available to students who demonstrate outstanding character, effort and diligence, and whose contributions to the community as a whole deserve recognition and encouragement.  Financial need will also be considered.

Barbarah Nielsen Memorial Scholarship $1,500 x 3

Available to 4th or 5th year graduating students, who will be entering graduate studies in Counselling Psychology or School Psychology in the upcoming fall semester. The award recognizes Barbarah's wonderful work in the many schools and communities she served over her life-long career.

CFUW Cowichan Valley Award $1,300 x 1

Available to mature female students (minimum 20 years of age), enrolled in, or enrolling in any academic, technical, career or upgrading program at VIU, who have been a resident of the Cowichan Valley for at least one year, and who demonstrates financial need and academic achievement.  If selected, recipient will be required to submit a short personal biography for CFUW internal publication, and will be requested to attend a meeting with the CFUW in the fall.  

CFUW Nanaimo - Margaret Strongitharm Memorial Award $2,400 x 1

Available to female students who are enrolled in a degree granting program at VIU.  Applicants, for a minimum of one year, must currently be residing in Nanaimo, Ladysmith, Gabriola Island, Cedar or Yellowpoint.  Selection will be based on financial need and academic achievement. 

CFUW Nanaimo Scholarship $2,400 x 1

To be awarded to a top female student at the end of her first year in a full-time university degree program at VIU, who will be continuing full time studies towards a degree at VIU, or an accredited university, or in a university transfer program at a community college.

CFUW Nanaimo Vilma Dubé Memorial Award

This award is available to female students who have entered Canada as a refugee. Applicants must be currently enrolled in 1st, 2nd or 3rd year in a program leading to a diploma or degree, and must be proceeding to 2nd, 3rd or 4th year in the fall. Selection will be based on academic achievement.

Cloverdale Paint Award $1,000 x 1

Available to full-time students who are Canadian Citizens, and whose family resides in BC or Alberta.  Applicants must demonstrate a commitment to community service and career or entrepreneurial activities.  Preference will be given to students related to employees of Cloverdale Paint.

Coast Capital Savings Entrepreneurship and Innovation Scholarship

Available to students based on academic achievement, demonstrated passion for entrepreneurship and innovation.  Preference will be given to residents of Vancouver Island and/or BC residents.

Cowichan Foundation Scholarship

Available to residents of the Cowichan Valley (from Mill Bay to Ladysmith), with selection based on financial need.

Credit Union Foundation of BC Award

Available to students in any year of a certificate, diploma or degree program at VIU.  Applicants must be Canadian Citizens and BC residents.  Financial need will be considered.

CUPE Local 1858 Scholarship

For academic excellence, available to continuing students who are members in good standing with CUPE Local 1858, or in the immediate family of a member of the local.

Darcy Anthony Memorial Award $1,000 x 1

Available to students who demonstrate leadership, mentorship, and coaching behaviours. Students should cite values of equity, diversity and inclusion or preventing bullying and harassment and provide examples of courage in supporting their peers, helping build up others, or advocating for others success.

David and Margaret Bradbury Award

Available to full-time students in any program, with selection based on GPA and a demonstrated history of community service.

David Yates Award $900 x 1

For leadership shown through contributions to student government, student newspaper, athletics, or other student activities. Available to students continuing to second, third or fourth year who demonstrate financial need.

Dennis Alphonse Memorial Scholarship

Based on financial need, available to students in any post-secondary program, who are residents of the Cowichan Valley (from Mill Bay to Ladysmith). Preference will be given to First Nations students.

Diane Caillet Memorial Award $1,100 x 2

Available to students pursuing a future career in animal health or service, who have a love for animals, and who also do volunteer work which supports animals. Applicants are required to submit a short essay with their application, (up to 500 words), describing how they fulfill the criteria.

Don Duncan Memorial Award $2,500

Available to students in one of the following Technology Programs: Fisheries and Aquaculture, Forest Resources, or Resource Management.  Based on achievement and faculty recommendation.

Don Morton Memorial Scholarship

Available to residents of the Cowichan Valley (from Mill Bay to Ladysmith), with selection based on financial need.

Don Stone Geography Scholarship

Available to a top third year Geography student, continuing at VIU to complete their Bachelor of Arts with a Major in Geography. Selection will be based on academic achievement and a 100% course load, during third year of study. 

Dr Michael Ian McGuire Astronomy Award $1,400 x 1

Available to students with a keen interest in Astronomy, who are currently enrolled in at least one Astronomy course.  Selection will be based on academic excellence, with consideration given to those demonstrating financial need.

Dr Prem Shanker Award

Available to continuing students in any program, with selection based on academic achievement.  Preference will be given to members of the following religions: Hindu, Sikh, Buddhist, or Jain.

E Jean Garside Memorial Award $2,500 x 1

Available to graduating fourth year students in the Faculty of Social Sciences.  Students must have completed courses in Women's Studies, and participated in a minimum of 100 hours of community involvement.

Fitzgerald Family Award for Cowichan Education

Available for financial need to first year students in any post-secondary program, who are Cowichan residents, and who will be continuing at VIU in the fall semester for second year of their program.

G.S. Attariwala Award $1,300 x 1

Available to students enrolled in Arts and Humanities, with selection based on financial need and satisfactory academic achievement.  Preference will be given to Indigenous students.

Gerry Goodwin Memorial Scholarship $1,000 x 1

Available to students in a full-time program continuing studies at VIU. Preference to students with a career interest in any aspect of the marine industry.

Gerry Robbins Memorial Award

Available to students at the Cowichan Campus.  In memory of Gerry Robbins, to support and encourage students at VIU, who exemplify Gerry's personal strength, integrity and leadership through community service.  Students must cite their history of volunteerism, involvement in government and/or civic affairs, and their commitment to physical fitness.  Special consideration will be given to students who have a history of involvement in 4H programs.

Gerry Schroh Memorial Award $2,000 x 1

Available to 2nd or 3rd year Arts and Humanities students, who are continuing to 3rd or 4th year at VIU in the fall semester.  Selection will be based on academic excellence and financial need.

Greater Nanaimo Chamber of Commerce - Community Leader Award $2,500 x 1

Available to continuing 3rd year students who are enrolled in any of the Faculty of Management undergraduate programs. Students must demonstrate financial need and active community leadership. This award may be accompanied with a one year membership for the Greater Nanaimo Chamber of Commerce.

Inez Bowen Colbert Memorial Award $2,300 x 1

For academic achievement and financial need, available to mature female students, who are members of a visible minority, and who will be continuing studies at VIU.

Irene and Cliff Shoop Memorial Award $2,500 x 2

Available to graduates of School District #68 (Nanaimo/Ladysmith), who are Canadian Citizens, and who will be entering their final year of study in Bachelor of Education or Bachelor of Science in Nursing at VIU.  The award will recognize students who demonstrate both commitment and compassion.  Applicants will be required to submit an essay with their application, stating why they believe they qualify for the award, along with a reference letter from faculty endorsing their personal qualities.

Jeff Nicol Memorial Award $1,000 x 1

Available to students enrolled in the Psychology program, with selection based on academic achievement. 

June Gillespie Memorial Scholarship

Available to residents of the Cowichan Valley, from Mill Bay to Ladysmith.  Selection will be based on financial need, with preference to students enrolled in Women's Studies.

Karla Shupe Memorial Award

Available to third year students, who are continuing to fourth year and have plans to pursue a career in the field of law. Students must provide a short statement in their profile application outlining their future career goals. Selection will also be based on demonstrated financial need.

Kathryn Barnwell Award for Studies in Women and Gender

Available for students enrolled in the Bachelor of Arts program, with a major or minor in Women and Gender Studies.  Preference will be given to 2nd and 3rd year students.  Applicants must have achieved a final mark of A- or better in Women and Gender Studies courses taken, and have the highest GPA of all upper level Women and Gender Studies courses.

Kathryn Barnwell Bachelor of Arts Scholarship

Available to students enrolled in the Bachelor of Arts - English Major, with highest GPA in English.  Preference will be given to 2nd and 3rd year students.

Koki Sato International Scholarship $1,400 x 1

Available to full-time Canadian or International students, based on academic excellence and demonstrated leadership in international and community development and relations.

Kyla Hanington Award for Single Mothers $1,000 x 1

Available to female students who are single parents, and who are enrolled in any degree program. Selection will be based on financial need with preference given to those with community involvement.

L Jean MacFadgen Memorial Award $500 x 1

Available to students enrolled in a diploma or degree program who are facing financial difficulties.  Preference will be given to those who are the first generation in their family to attend University, and who intend to gain skills and experience that can be shared with their "home" communities in any human services or community development field.

Leanne Johnson Memorial Award

Available to full time students in university transfer or degree programs, for academic achievement and demonstrated leadership, motivation and a cooperative attitude towards classmates, as supported by at least one letter from instructors.

Lorne Ball Memorial Award $1,300 x 1

Available to students who are continuing in any university program, (with distinction), in any academic discipline.  Awarded to honor the memory of Lorne "Lucky" Ball (ex-offender and former VIU professor), to a student who has turned his or her life around, after having been incarcerated in a provincial or federal prison, and who is now able to demonstrate through education, the beginning of a new path in life.

Lt Col Norman Bunnin, MBE Award $500 x 1

Available to continuing students, with selection based on academic performance and significant financial need.  Not restricted to any particular program or year. 

Marjorie Lewis Bunnin Award $700 x 1

Available to continuing students, based on academic performance and significant financial need. Not restricted to any particular program or year.

Micah Messent Memorial Environment Award $2,500 x 1

Available to Indigenous Students continuing their studies at VIU. Selection based on academic achievement, demonstrated financial need, a history of community involvement and environmental advocacy. Preference given to students who graduated from School District #71.

Michael G Coleman, QC Scholarship

Available to residents of the Cowichan Valley, from Mill Bay to Ladysmith who are taking courses related to law or public service.  Academic achievement and financial need will be considered.

Michael K Hooper Award

Available to students who are residents of Vancouver Island with demonstrated financial need. Preference will be given to students with a history of community service, who are enrolled in a Business, Tourism, Hospitality, Science or Trades program, which support careers in airport operations.

Mike Matthews Humorous Essay or Rant Award $1,000 x 1

Available to students in any program and year of study, who demonstrate excellence in writing humorous essays or rants.  Applicants must submit a 300-500 word essay with their application.

Mr Mohinder S and Mrs Sukhjit K Hundal Award

Available to students enrolled in a Bachelor of Arts program with a major/minor in History or Political Science. Preference will be given to students with a documented disability. Financial need will also be considered.

Nanaimo Airport Commission Scholarship

Available to students enrolled in any post-secondary program at VIU, who have achieved a minimum GPA of 3.50 or better, with an 80% course load.

Nanaimo Hospitality Association Award

Available to students currently enrolled full time in 1st, 2nd or 3rd year of a Hospitality or Tourism Management degree or diploma program. Students must provide a letter of recommendation for volunteer or community service in Nanaimo working in the Hospitality or Tourism industry. Students must have current or past work experience in the Hospitality or Tourism industry with career interest in this sector.

Nanaimo Safer City Award $1,000 x 1

Available to students who have completed a road safety project, or invested volunteer hours in a road safety-related endeavour.  Student must be returning to VIU in the fall semester.

Oceanside Rotary Award $2,200 x 1

Available to deserving students who are enrolled in any year of a post-secondary degree, diploma or certificate program.  Students must have attended an Adult Basic Education program at VIU.

Outdoor Adventure Award $1,000 x 1

The purpose of the Outdoor Adventure Award is to recognize a student who can clearly demonstrate a passion for adventure sport, outdoor exploration and environmental literacy. Students must submit a short paper, maximum 500 words, supporting their participation in outdoor based adventure activities while clearly explaining how outdoor based adventure activities are meaningful in their lives. Applicants are asked to describe their personal connection between the natural environment and the adventure sports they like to participate in. Photos are accepted within the submission in support of students demonstrating participating in the activities they have identified. To be considered for this award, you must maintain a minimum 60% course load at VIU, and have achieved a semester and cumulative GPA of at least 3.0 or higher.

Pathfinder Award $2,300 x 2

Available to students who demonstrate effort and diligence toward their studies.  Applicants must also demonstrate financial need, and may be enrolled in any University or Trades and Applied Technology program.

Patricia Hadaway Award $2,500 x 1

Available for academic achievement and demonstrated financial need to continuing students, who are single parents and primary care givers of their children, and who are enrolled in Bachelor of Arts in Humanities or Social Sciences.

Peter Robert Driedger Scholarship $2,500 x 4

Available to students in any post-secondary program, with selection based on academic achievement.

Pieter de Reuver Foundation Management Award

Available to students enrolled in any program under the Faculty of Management.  First preference will be given to students who attended SD#69 and/or who are Oceanside residents.  Second preference will be given to students from the Nanaimo area.  Selection will be based on academic achievement with financial need being considered.

Provost Council Scholarship

Available to VIU students based on academic achievement.  Faculty area for selection will vary each year.

Ramsay Lampman Rhodes Award $1,100 x 1

Available to continuing students enrolled in a degree or degree transfer program pursuing a career goal in business or law, and who are permanent residents of mid-Vancouver Island (Duncan to Qualicum).  Selection based on academic achievement with preference given to students who also participate in athletics.

Remembrance Award - Royal Canadian Legion Branch #257

Available to VIU History students with financial need, who demonstrate a particular interest in Canadian military history. Open to children and grandchildren of Canadian veterans, ex-service personnel and currently serving armed forces personnel. Preference will be given to students who have participated in the "Letters and Images" project, the "Western Front" field school, or who have been, or are currently enrolled in "WWI" or "Canada in WWI" History courses. Recipient to be selected in conjunction with VIU History department faculty.

Robert Ross Memorial Scholarship $2,500 x 1

Available for academic achievement to full-time third year students enrolled in a 100% course load, who will be continuing to fourth year of a Bachelor of Arts Program in Philosophy, Liberal Studies, English or History.

Robyn Muir Memorial Award $2,500 x 1

Available to returning female students who exemplify the dedication, commitment and excellence of women’s volleyball athlete, Robyn Muir. Recipient must be a continuing member of a varsity athletic team, with a commitment to play in the coming year.

Roger Giles Memorial Award 

Available to continuing students in any post-secondary program, with selection based on financial need.

Rotary Club of Lantzville Award $900 x 2

Available to continuing students who exemplify the Rotarian qualities of humanitarian service, based on academic achievement and financial need. Applicants must submit a written statement in order to demonstrate a history of volunteer work for school and/or community functions (participation in student council, management for school teams, organization or running of intramural programs or clubs, etc.). Statement must provide a self-evaluation of how applicant meets the following Rotarian principles: truthfulness, fairness, contributions to building goodwill and better friendships, and actions that will be beneficial to all concerned.

Rotary Club of Nanaimo - Helmut Graf International Award $1,300 x 1

Available to presently enrolled students planning to pursue further studies outside Canada. The period of international study must take place in the calendar year in which the award is received (includes field school, study abroad, etc.).  Recipient must be a graduate of a Nanaimo High School.

Rotary Club of Nanaimo North Award

Available to students in any certificate, diploma or degree program at VIU, with selection based on high academic achievement and financial need.

Rotary Clubs of Nanaimo and Lantzville Award $1,800 x 2  

Available to students enrolled at the Nanaimo campus of VIU in any post-secondary program, second year or above, who demonstrate commitment and service to their community.

Royal Bank Award $800 x 4

Available to continuing full-time students, based on academic performance and financial need.  Not restricted to any particular program or year. One award will be issued to each campus.  tiwšɛmawtxʷ  (Powell River) students may be continuing at VIU or another post-secondary institution.

Royal Bank of Canada Award $2,500 x 1

Available to students enrolled in any diploma or degree program.  Selection will be based on academic achievement and financial need.

Ryan Cathers Memorial Award $2,400 x 1

Available to a 3rd or 4th year VIU Biology or Natural Resource Protection student, with career goals or interest in ecology and natural history, including ornithology.  The award is given to a student in recognition of community/university volunteer excellence, and who shares Ryan's passion and curiosity for natural history.

Sociology Student Union Award $500 x 2

Available to 2nd or 3rd year "declared" students, who are continuing to their 3rd or 4th year of Sociology.  Selection will be based on academic achievement and demonstrated community service.

TD Bank Financial Group Award $1,500 x 1

Available to continuing students, with selection based on academic achievement and financial need.  Applicants must be Canadian Citizens.

Vancouver Island Master Gardener Award $500 x 6

The VIMGA Award is be given to Master Gardeners in Training in their second year of the Master Gardener Program. Applicants for the award must demonstrate commitment to obtaining their Master Gardener Qualification by completing the program. Applicants will provide a brief statement that demonstrates their enthusiasm, knowledge, and experience in supporting horticulture programs that benefit the community.

Vancouver Island Real Estate Board - Cowichan Valley Award

Available for financial need to first year students in any post-secondary program, who are Cowichan residents, and who will be continuing at VIU in the fall semester for second year of their program.

VIREB and REF of BC Award $1,900 x 1

Available to students based on financial need and academic achievement, who are entering third year of studies in any of the following programs:  1) BBA - Financial Services concentration who are intending to pursue a career in real estate brokerage, appraisal, property management, property development or mortgage brokerage; or 2) Bachelor of Arts, Major in Geography specializing in Sustainable Resource Management or Urban and Social Sustainability.

VIREB and REF of BC Membership Award $1,900 x 2

Available to students in any post-secondary program, with preference given to those affiliated with the Vancouver Island Real Estate Board.  Applicants must supply member's name and relation on the application.  Consideration will be given to community involvement.

VIREB and REF of BC Scholarship $1,900 x 1

Available to top students based on GPA, who are entering third year of studies in either of the following programs: 1) Financial Services concentration in the Bachelor of Business Administration Program, who intend to pursue a career in real estate brokerage, appraisal, property management, property development or mortgage brokerage; or 2) Bachelor of Arts, Major in Geography specializing in Sustainable Resource Management or Urban and Social Sustainability.

VIU Alumni Association Award

Available to third year students who are continuing to fourth year of study in their program.  Selection will be based on financial need.

VIU Cowichan Campus Scholarship $2,500 x 1

Available to students enrolled in any post-secondary program at the Cowichan campus of VIU, with selection based on academic achievement.

VIU Education Award $1,000 x 1

Available to current 2nd year students who will be continuing to year 3 of the Bachelor of Education program in the fall.  Selection will be based on academic achievement, community involvement and demonstrated financial need.

VIU Employees Scholarship for Academic Excellence

Available to students entering second to fifth year of any diploma or degree program at VIU, in recognition of academic achievement.

VIU Faculty Association Scholarship

Award will be a maximum of $5,000, (up to $2,500 issued for each of Fall and Spring*).  Available to first year students, who are enrolled in a 100% course load with the highest GPA, and who are continuing to second year in an academic program delivered by members of VIUFA.  *Funds for spring semester are contingent upon successful completion of the fall, with a minimum GPA of 3.5, and 100% course load in spring.

VIU International Refugee Newcomer Award - Continuing WUSC Students - available

Entrance award based on financial need, available to students who have arrived as refugees to Canada within the last five years.  Applicants must be accepted into any Academic or Trades program, including ESL - Level AP4 or above.

VIU Resilience and Determination Award

Available to students who have overcome significant adversity to attend post-secondary education. 

VIU Students' Union Award $1,000 x 16

Available to students in any year of a post-secondary program at VIU, with selection based on academic achievement, current university and community involvement. 

VIU Student Success Scholarship

Available to students entering 2nd to 5th year of any university program, with selection based on academic achievement.

Vivian and Gerry Streader Study Abroad Award

Available to students who are, or will be, participating in a field school semester.  Selection will be based on financial need.

Zonta Club of Nanaimo Scholarship $800 x 1

Available to continuing female students at the Nanaimo campus who are enrolled in a program leading to a Bachelor of Science, Bachelor of Education, Bachelor of Arts (Women's Studies), or International Studies. Selection will be based on academic performance and demonstrated community service.

ARDPM Masters of Community Planning Graduate Research Award $500 x 1

Available to graduating students of the Master of Community Planning program. The award will be granted to the top research project of the year as selected by faculty.

Community Planning Entrance Award - Local Interest

Available to students entering the Master of Community Planning program. Applicants will be assessed on their statement of intent with a focus on local interest.

Neilson Family Sustainability Award $1,000 x 1

Available to students in the Master of Arts in Sustainable Leisure Management program, with preference to students who have demonstrated an interest in ecotourism.

Planning Institute of BC - Community Planning Scholarship $4,000 x 1

Available to first year students who will be enrolling in second year of the Master of Community Planning program, and who hold an active student membership with the Planning Institute of BC.

Project Management Institute - Vancouver Island Award $1,000 x 1

Available to students in the Graduate Diploma in Project Management program. Selection based on financial need with preference given to those that reside on Vancouver Island and show a commitment to work, volunteer, or other activities that support the project management discipline.

R Keith Brown Community Planning Award $2,500 x 1

This award will be offered to students enrolled in the second year of the Master of Community Planning program, who demonstrate leadership and community involvement, along with financial need.

VIREB and REF of BC Master of Community Planning Award

The award will be based on a combination of academic achievement and contributions to the program, and priority will be given to research issues relevant to coastal BC communities and BC's islands. 

VIU MBA Association Award

Available to students enrolled in the Master of Business Administration program who are members of the MBA Association. Selection will also be based on academic achievement, and current community involvement.

Dr Owen Gloster Memorial Scholarship

Available to students from the Cowichan region, who are enrolled in programs seeking education in public health or related fields.  Example of programs are nursing, dental, and health care assistant.  Selection will be based on academic achievement and demonstrated financial need.

Edna Lucy Woodcock Nursing Scholarship $2,500 x 1

Available to Bachelor of Science in Nursing students, who will be continuing their studies in Nursing at VIU, with selection based on academic excellence.

George Paine Award

Available to students enrolled in Practical Nursing, or related programs, who demonstrate financial need, and whose outstanding character, effort and diligence as a student, and potential as a member of society deserves recognition and encouragement.

Jane and Don McKerricher Scholarship $1,900 x 1

Available to an exceptional student in the Practical Nursing program, with selection based on faculty recommendation.

Jim Huard Jr Memorial Award (1st year) $500 x 1

Selection will be based on highest GPA of a first year student who is enrolled in any program in the Faculty of Health and Human Services. Recipient must be employed by a BC Care Providers Association member employer.

Jim Huard Jr Memorial Award (graduating) $500 x 1

Selection will be based on highest GPA of a graduating student who is enrolled in any program in the Faculty of Health and Human Services. Recipient must be employed by a BC Care Providers Association member employer.

Julie Lymer Memorial Compassionate Nursing Award

Available to students continuing in the Bachelor of Science in Nursing program who demonstrate a kind, compassionate, nurturing spirit and soft touch.

Lindsay Nursing Award

Available to Bachelor of Science in Nursing students who participate in community service or school activities, based on financial need with academic achievement considered.

Patricia Robinson Memorial Award

Available to first year Bachelor of Science in Nursing students, based on financial need.  Preference will be given to single parents.

Pieter de Reuver Foundation Health and Human Services Award  

Available to students enrolled in any program under the Faculty of Health and Human Services.  First preference will be given to students who attended SD #69 and/or who are Oceanside residents.  Second preference will be given to students from the Nanaimo area.  Selection will be based on academic achievement with financial need being considered.

Prue Boyd Nursing Award $4,500 x 1

Available to 2nd or 3rd year students enrolled in Bachelor of Science in Nursing, who will be continuing their studies in the Nursing program in the fall semester. Selection is based on student's motivation and determination in their studies, as determined by program faculty. Financial need will be considered. 

Roselyn Mandalik Practical Nursing Award $3,500 x 1

Available to students enrolled in Practical Nursing who demonstrate financial need, commitment to health care in the community, and demonstrate care and compassion in their nursing practice.  Recipient will be selected in consultation with program faculty.

Rotary Club of Nanaimo Daybreak Health and Human Services Award

Available to students with demonstrated financial need, who are enrolled full time, and will be continuing, in any Health or Human Services program.

Royal Canadian Legion Branch 257 - Alice Hobbs Health and Human Services Award

Available to students continuing in Health or Human Services programs at VIU, or another post-secondary institution, with preference to someone who is: 1) a member, or whose parent or grandparent is a member of Branch 257, or 2) a resident of Lantzville, or 3) affiliated with another Royal Canadian Legion, or has served in the Military/Cadet service.  Financial need may also be taken into consideration.

Sidney R and Gladys L Sharman Excellence in Nursing Award $5,000 x 6

Available to students in 3rd year of the Bachelor of Science in Nursing program, who will be proceeding to 4th year. Selection based on academic excellence, financial need, a demonstrated commitment to health care in the community, and demonstrated care and compassion in their nursing practice. Recipients must make a commitment to remain and work in the health care profession in BC for three years following graduation. This continued involvement in the health care profession in BC is to be done in the workplace, in a post graduate program, or a combination of both.

Trudy Krall Memorial Nursing Award $2,000 x 1

Available to Bachelor of Science in Nursing students currently enrolled in third year, who have demonstrated academic achievement and a good integration of knowledge and skills in bedside nursing, a commitment to collaborative learning, and who have made a significant contribution to the development of a positive learning community amongst peers in the classroom and practice settings.

Windsor Plywood Practical Nursing Award $2,500 x 1

Available for Practical Nursing or Practical Nursing Access students, with selection based on academic achievement, quality of clinical practice, and participation / leadership in student activities.

Chuck Hee Wong Memorial Award $1,200 x 1

Available to first or second year History students continuing at VIU in the Fall.  Based on achievement in a second year History course.

Effie Galena Kilpatrick Scholarship $1,700 x 1

Available to students in their final year of study in a Bachelor of Arts program, who are enrolled in History courses.  Preference will be given to applicants who are intending to pursue further studies in a Heritage-related field.

Foundry Philanthropies History Achievement Scholarship $500 x 1

Available to top Bachelor of Arts students, with a History Major. Selection based on academic excellence.

Karr History Scholarship $2,500 x 1

Awarded to students continuing to fourth year, who are majoring in History, and who have achieved the highest GPA in their third year of studies.

Nanaimo Historical Society's Ethel Barraclough Memorial History Award

Available to continuing full or part-time students registered in a "300" or "400" level History course, who have written an original research essay on local Vancouver Island, or British Columbia history.  Essays adjudicated by the History department.  A copy of the prize-winning essay will be sent to the Nanaimo Historical Society.

Nanaimo Historical Society's Peggy Nicholls Award $1,500 x 1

Available to history students who have submitted an outstanding paper or project, in any aspect of history, as nominated by instructors. Students can be full or part time, and may be in any year of the program.

William Barraclough History Scholarship

Available to students who are currently enrolled in, and will be continuing in History courses at VIU in the fall semester, with selection based on academic achievement.

BC Council of Garden Clubs Award

Available to students enrolled in the Horticulture Technician program, who are Canadian Citizens and residents of British Columbia.  Selection will be based on financial need and demonstrated dedication to the horticulture field.

Betty and Doug Jones Scholarship

Available to students in the Horticulture Technician program, who combine academic achievement and demonstrate proficiency in the field.

Cowichan Valley Rhododendron Society Horticulture Award $1,000 x 1   

Available to students enrolled in the Horticulture Technician program who demonstrate improved horticultural work skills and academic achievement. Selection will be made by program faculty.

Irene Elsie Hall Award

Available to a horticulture student, with preference given to those living with a disability.

Janet Peddie Memorial Award $500 x 1

Available to top VIU Horticulture Technician students.

Milner Gardens & Woodland Landscape Award

Available to students in the Horticulture Technician Foundation program who are participating in the maintenance of Milner Gardens & Woodland, based on strong interest in the profession of landscape horticulture.

Mount Klitsa Garden Club Horticultural Award $500 x 1

Available to students in the Horticulture Technician program, based on academic performance (B average), and proficiency in the field.  Preference to students who reside in School District #70, (Alberni - Clayoquot Regional District).  Financial need may be considered.

Nanaimo Horticultural Society Scholarship

Available to full-time students with high GPA in the Horticulture Technician program who will be continuing education in the horticulture field.

Nanaimo Rhododendron Society Award $500 x 1

Available to Horticulture Technician students, based on financial need and academic achievement.

Veronica Milner Memorial Award

Available to students in the Horticulture Technician program working hands-on in garden and woodland maintenance, design construction and documentation at Milner Gardens.

Dale Francis Memorial Hospitality Award $2,100 x 2

Available to students enrolled in the Hospitality Management diploma or degree program.  Selection will be based on motivation, participation, and recommendation of the Hospitality department.

Henry Wong Rotary Award $1,500 x 1

Available to Hospitality Management students demonstrating leadership and involvement in the community.  Financial need will be considered.

Nanaimo Hospitality Association Award

Available to students currently enrolled full time in 1st, 2nd, or 3rd year of a Hospitality or Tourism Management degree or diploma program. Students must provide a letter of recommendation for volunteer or community service in Nanaimo working in the Hospitality or Tourism industry. Students must have current or past work experience in the Hospitality or Tourism industry with career interest in this sector. 

Nanaimo Marine Pavilion Scholarship - Hospitality Management Program $500 x 1

Available to students continuing from first to second year in the Hospitality Management program, with selection based on GPA.

BC Association of Social Workers Award

Available to VIU Bachelor of Social Work students who demonstrate passion for the field. Selection will be made by program faculty, with consideration to academic achievement.

Carol Matthews Human Services Community Leadership Award $1,000 x 1

Available to continuing students in Human Services programs, who demonstrate leadership in creating community and collaboration in the classroom and in the workplace.

CFUW Nanaimo - Susan Murphy Memorial Award $2,400 x 1

Available to female Post-Care Tuition Waiver students. The order of selection preference will be as follows: 1) those enrolled in 1st, 2nd or 3rd year of the Child and Youth Care Degree program; 2) those enrolled in 1st year of the Social Services Diploma program; and 3) those enrolled in 1st, 2nd or 3rd year of any degree granting program who have demonstrated community service.

Community Leadership - Social Services Award $1,000 x 1

Available to students continuing full-time in any of the following programs: Social Services Diploma, Bachelor of Social Work, Child and Youth Care Diploma, or Bachelor of Arts - Child and Youth Care Degree. Selection will be based on recent community involvement, ideally with non-profit organizations, along with demonstrated financial need.

Community Living Award

Available to students in the Education Assistant and Community Support Certificate program, based on faculty recommendation.

Durnin Family Health Services Award

Available to students who are entering, or continuing in, the Bachelor of Child and Youth Care degree, or the Early Childhood Education and Care Diploma program.  Applicants in the Early Childhood and Care program may be continuing to a Bachelor’s degree.  Selection will be based on financial need, in addition to academic achievement.  This award may be renewed for the next year of study providing recipient continues to meet criteria.

Lucy Child Award in Child and Youth Care $1,900 x 1

Available to students in the Child and Youth Care program, who demonstrate integrity and real respect for the care of children and teenagers.  Financial need will be considered.

Pieter de Reuver Foundation Health and Human Services Award  

Available to students enrolled in any program under the Faculty of Health and Human Services.  First preference will be given to students who attended SD #69 and/or who are Oceanside residents.  Second preference will be given to students from the Nanaimo area.  Selection will be based on academic achievement with financial need being considered.

Windsor Plywood Human Services Award

Available to continuing students in Human Services programs, who have demonstrated a resilient attitude in overcoming adversity and challenge in pursuit of educational goals, and who practice and model human service values.  Applicants are required to provide a written statement with their application, explaining fully how they meet the criteria.

BMO Bank of Montreal Award for BC Aboriginal Students

Available to Aboriginal students who will be continuing their studies in a diploma or degree program at VIU.  Selection will be based on academic achievement, leadership, and community involvement.

CFUW Cowichan Valley Indigenous Student Award $1,000 x 3

Available to female Indigenous students enrolled at the Cowichan campus in their second year or greater, progressing successfully in their program. Selection will be based on demonstrated financial need, along with good academic standing, with preference to a resident of the Cowichan Valley.  

Dr. Suzanne Nilson Indigenous Science Award

Available to Indigenous students who are enrolled in a Bachelor of Science - Biology major/minor, or a Bachelor of Science in Nursing program, with priority given to those from the Snuneymuxw First Nation.  Second preference will be given to Indigenous students in any program within the Faculty of Science.

Elizabeth Newham Award $2,500 x 1

Available to deserving First Nations students attending the Cowichan campus of VIU.  Preference will be given to students enrolled in post-secondary studies, but consideration will be given to students progressing from ABE to post-secondary studies.

First Nations Study Program Scholarship $2,500 x 1

Available to Aboriginal students enrolled in a Bachelor of Arts - First Nations Study program, who are completing 3rd year, and continuing to 4th year of the program.  Selection will be based on academic achievement.

Isaac Tait Memorial Award $1,600 x 1

Available to Aboriginal students continuing in the Visual Arts Degree Program.  Preference will be given to students who live, or have lived, in a remote community, and who are entering their 3rd or 4th year in the program.

Laura Finch Memorial Scholarship

Available to Indigenous students enrolled in any post-secondary program, who are residents of the Cowichan Valley, with selection based on academic achievement.

Micah Messent Memorial Geography Award $2,500 x 1

Available to Indigenous Students enrolled in the Bachelor of Arts program with a major or minor in Geography.  Selection based on academic achievement and demonstrated financial need. 

Native Northwest Reconciliation Fund CYC Award $1,000 x 1

Available to Indigenous students in the Bachelor of Arts - Child and Youth Care program with selection based on financial need.  Preference will be given to those with demonstrated leadership and commitment to furthering reconciliation.

Native Northwest Reconciliation Fund Recreation Award $1,000 x 1

Available to Indigenous students in the Recreation, Tourism or Hospitality programs with selection based on financial need.  Preference will be given to those with demonstrated leadership and commitment to furthering reconciliation.

Partners in Wellness Aboriginal Health Career Award

Available to students of Aboriginal heritage (First Nations, Métis, or Inuit), who are registered in full time studies in one of the following programs: Unit Clerk, Health Care Assistant, Community Mental Health Worker, Medical Device Reprocessing Technician, Practical Nursing, or Bachelor of Science in Nursing. The order of priority for consideration will be given as follows: 1) to students from Vancouver Island who have self-identified as being of Aboriginal descent; 2) to Aboriginal students from within BC; 3) to Aboriginal students from within Canada. Preference may also be given to those demonstrating financial need.

Patricia Anne Lyon Memorial Scholarship

Available to top Indigenous students in recognition of academic achievement.

Storrow Q.C. LL.D Indigenous Student Scholarship

Available to Indigenous students in recognition of academic success, with preference given to those having a major or minor in Indigenous Studies.

Fukawa Excellence Scholarship $2,000 x 1

Available to International students enrolled in Social Sciences. Students must provide information on their award profile to the following question:  "If you are a leader in human rights, advocating for the values of equality, diversity, and inclusion, or in preventing bullying and harassment, provide examples of what you have done to support others to achieve success, and to promote equality for all."   Selection also based on academic excellence.

Alexandro Malaspina Liberal Studies Award up to $2,500

Available to students with a Liberal Studies Major or Minor who have completed at least six upper-level Liberal Studies credits, and who have demonstrated, in the judgment of the Liberal Studies Department, significant interdisciplinary interest, commitment and achievement in the wide range of intellectual endeavors (literary, artistic, humanistic, philosophical and scientific), embraced by the Liberal Studies program. Grades and financial need may be considered by the Department as tie-breaking factors but are not the primary consideration.

Ann Buchanan Liberal Studies Award $1,000 x 2

Available to full-time students participating in a Liberal Studies Abroad Program. Preference will be given to single parents. Students must complete their Scholarship/Award/Bursary Profile and short-listed students will be asked to submit directly to the Department a one paragraph statement explaining why they are interested in travelling overseas with Liberal Studies Abroad, and how they expect the experience will contribute to their learning at VIU.

Brock McLeod Memorial Award up to $1,200

Available to students with a Liberal Studies Major or Minor who are continuing to 3rd or 4th year with LBST courses in the fall. Financial need and academic achievement will be considered. Students must apply through the Scholarship/Award/Bursary Profile and short listed students will be asked to submit to the Department of Liberal Studies Chair a one paragraph statement (not more than 250 words) indicating 1) that they wish to be considered for the BMMA and 2) what they believe a liberal studies education in particular can contribute to their community.

John Black Liberal Studies Abroad Award up to $1,500

Available to students with a declared Liberal Studies Major or Minor, who are enrolled in an upcoming Liberal Studies Travel Abroad Program. Financial need will be considered.  Students must apply through the Scholarship/Award/Bursary Profile and short listed students will be asked to submit to the department chair a brief rationale of why they believe the Liberal Studies Abroad experience will benefit them in their studies.

Libby McGrattan Liberal Studies Abroad Award up to $1,500

Available to students with a declared Liberal Studies Major or Minor, who are enrolled in an upcoming Liberal Studies Travel Abroad Program. Students will be asked to submit to the department chair a brief rationale of why they believe the Liberal Studies Abroad experience will benefit them in their studies.

Liberal Studies Citizenship and Great Books Award

Available for academic excellence to full or part-time students, in any year of their program, who have a declared Major or Minor in Liberal Studies. Students will be asked to submit directly to the Department Chair, their unofficial VIU transcript, and a brief (one page) written reflection on what they believe liberal education contributes toward the cultivation of responsible citizenship in a democracy such as Canada's. Students who intended to apply the award toward travel costs either to attend an academic conference or to present a paper they have written in Liberal Studies at an academic conference may be given priority.

Horosko Scholarship $1,200 x 1

Available for academic achievement in mathematics, to first or second year students continuing with studies in math or science at VIU.

Joe McPeek Memorial Scholarship $1,500 x 1

Available to students enrolled in a minimum 80% course load, with at least one upper level math course, who will be continuing in a Math major or minor in the fall semester.

Asper Scholarship $2,500 x 1

Based on academic excellence, available to students who have taken first or second year Media Studies courses at VIU, and are pursuing further education in Media Studies.  Applicants must be full-time students in any discipline, who plan to continue with upper level courses at VIU.  A letter of recommendation from a faculty member will be required with the application.

Bob and Dorothy Pulleyblank Scholarship

Available to third year music students, who will be continuing to fourth year at VIU in the fall semester.  Scholarship will be selected based on GPA.

Brent Classen Technical Theatre Award - full tuition x 1

Available to students currently enrolled in first year of the Theatre Diploma program, who will be continuing to the Technical Theatre option for second year.  Students must have attended the public school system on Vancouver Island.  Selection will be based on academic achievement, passion for Technical Theatre, and financial need.  

Dr Carl Opgaard Scholarship $1,100

Available to first year Theatre students, who will be continuing to second year in the fall.  Selection is based on GPA and faculty recommendation.

Edith Emerson Memorial Scholarship in Music

For academic achievement and recommendation from the Music department, available to full-time female students continuing in the music program at VIU.

George and Daisy Fraser Award in Music

Available to continuing students in the Music program showing exceptional promise in piano, with a minimum GPA of 3.0 and recommendation of the Music department.

Gregory Allan Tucker Memorial Music Awarder

Available to continuing "piano" students in the music program, showing exceptional promise.

Harbour City Theatre Alliance Technical Theatre Award - full tuition x 1 

Available to students currently enrolled in first year of the Theatre Diploma program, who will be continuing to the Technical Theatre option for second year.  Students must have attended the public school system on Vancouver Island.  Selection will be based on academic achievement, passion for Technical Theatre, and financial need. 

Lionel Hennessy Memorial Jazz Award

Available to an outstanding continuing student in the Jazz program, as nominated by faculty.  Based on musicianship, personal qualities and potential to contribute to Canadian music.

Malaspina Choir - Margaret E Stephens Memorial Award

Available to a vocal student in the VIU Music program who participates in one of the following: Malaspina Choir, College Singer, Vocal Jazz (in order of preference). Recipient will be selected by faculty based on academic achievement and community involvement. 

Mike Monych Memorial Award $500 x 1

Available to second year Theatre students who inspire excellence by example.

Mike Taugher Memorial Scholarship $2,500 x 1

Available to students enrolled in the Technical Theatre diploma program, who show exemplary performance and/or service, who strive for excellence, and who demonstrate a passion for the theatre.  Due to the program structure, course load requirements may be waived.

Neil Rutherford Memorial Award $2,500 x 1

Available to students continuing to second year of the Technical Theatre program, based on a commitment to a career in theatre, academic achievement, demonstrated effort in first year, and recommendation of the Theatre department.

Patrick Carpenter Music Award

Available to full time 1st, 2nd or 3rd year music students, who will be continuing in the music program.  Selection based on the highest cumulative GPA.

Ross and Judy Fraser Award in Music

Awarded to a deserving student in any year, who is continuing in the Music program at VIU.  Selection will be based on a minimum GPA of 3.0 and recommendation of the Music department.

Schmooze Productions Technical Theatre Award $1,125 x 1

Available to students enrolled in the Technical Theatre diploma program, who show exemplary performance and/or service, who strive for excellence, and who demonstrate a passion for the theatre. Due to the program structure, course load requirements may be waived.

Vernis Whisker Music Award

Awarded to a deserving student attending Nanaimo Campus of VIU, who shows promise in the Jazz Diploma or Bachelor of Music in Jazz Studies program, as determined by program faculty.

Virginia Southwell Music Award

Awarded to a deserving student attending the Nanaimo Campus of VIU, who shows promise in the Jazz Diploma or the Bachelor of Music in Jazz Studies program.

John D Dennison Physical Education Scholarship $500 x 1

Based on high academic achievement, this award is available to first year Physical Education students continuing to second year.  Preference will be given to students pursuing a degree or degree transfer program.

Baking Association of Canada - BC Chapter Scholarship $1,700 x 1

Available to students enrolled in the Professional Baking program, who have achieved top marks in Pastry and Dessert.  Tuition sponsored students do not qualify for this award.

David and Astrid Bell Rhino Coffee Award

Available to Professional Baking and Pastry Arts students who have demonstrated the qualities of a positive attitude, team work, leadership and a passion for the profession. Preference will be given to those with active community involvement. Selection will be based on faculty recommendation.

EM Equipment Award

Available to the most accomplished students in the Professional Baking and Pastry Arts program, who have demonstrated techniques throughout.  Selection will be based on faculty recommendation.

Robert MacDonald Memorial Award $1,500 x 1

Available to students in the Professional Baking program for excellence in baking and pastry. Applicants must demonstrate outstanding commitment and passion for the art of baking.  Financial need will also be considered.

Rogers Foods Baking Award

Available to students in the Professional Baking program, who have shown the most growth and passion during the program, or who have shown potential to further their career in the Baking industry after graduation.

Barbara Meyer Memorial Scholarship $1,700 x 1

For academic achievement, available to students who reside on Gabriola Island.  Preference will be given to students enrolled in Tourism and Recreation or Physical Education programs.

Darrel Mansbridge Outstanding Person Award $1,800 x 1

Available to students completing second year of the Recreation and Sport Management, or Tourism Studies diploma programs, who will be entering the Tourism Management degree program. Selection will be based on a demonstrated resiliency to pursue their studies, overcome barriers, academic achievement, community involvement and impact made during their co-op experience, field school or community based projects.

Jan Kretz Adventuress Sea Kayaking Award

Available to VIU Recreation and Tourism students with demonstrated financial need. Preference will be given to single parents.

Nanaimo Marine Pavilion Scholarship - Recreation and Tourism Program $500 x 1

Available to students continuing from first to second year in a Recreation and Tourism program, with selection based on GPA.

Recreation and Tourism Association Award $500 x 1

Available to students who are members of the Recreation and Tourism Association (RTA).  Applicants must submit a 1-2 page essay with their application, describing their volunteer involvement with the RTA and the general community.

Recreation and Tourism Award $500 x 1

Available for high academic achievement to first year students in the Recreation diploma or Tourism Management degree program.  Students must be continuing to second year in the fall semester.

Terry and Judy Napper Award $1,300 x 1

Available for high academic achievement, community involvement and participation in recreation and sports, to continuing students in Tourism and Recreation or Physical Education programs.

BC Oil and Gas Commission Resource Management Officer Award

Available to students completing first year of the Resource Management Officer Technology diploma program, who are continuing to second year, and who are in good academic standing. Applicants must provide a brief description of their future plans and aspirations, have demonstrated financial need, and provide a letter of reference. Preference will be given to those who self-identify with, or who are members of a BC First Nation.

Chestnut and Merriman Award

Awarded to a student graduating from RMOT diploma program with the highest academic achievement in the program.

Dan McMillan Memorial Award

Available to continuing students enrolled in Resource Management Officer Technology or Bachelor of Natural Resource Protection, for academic achievement and an aptitude in commercial fisheries sustainability, viability and management.  Must be a Canadian citizen. 

Ernie Johnson Award

Available to students enrolled in first or second year of the Resource Management Officer Technology program. Selection based on demonstrated financial need.

Island Ranger Society Award

Available to students entering second year of the Resource Management Officer Technology Program who demonstrate dedication to the pursuit of the resource protection profession. First preference to students who are succeeding academically, but not necessarily the top students. Second consideration to the most improved students.

Mike Merriman Memorial Award $1,000 x 1

Available to 2nd year RMOT program students who are continuing to the Bachelor of Natural Resource Protection degree program.  Awarded to recognize potential to students who are team players and who demonstrate exceptional dedication to wildlife conservation through volunteer work in the RMOT program, or in the community during the first two years of the program.

Nanaimo Fish and Game Club Award

Available to first year Resource Management Officer Technology students who are continuing to second year. Selection will be based on academic achievement, volunteer work and financial need.

Nanaimo Marine Pavilion Scholarship - Resource Management Officer Technology $500 x 1

Available to students continuing from first to second year in the Resource Management program with selection based on GPA.

Robbins Parking Natural Resource Management Award $2,400 x 1

Available to students continuing in the Bachelor of Natural Resource Protection program at VIU. Selection based on academic excellence, with financial need being considered.

Roger Stanyer Memorial Scholarship

Available to students graduating from the Resource Management Officer Technology diploma program, who will be entering the Bachelor of Natural Resource Protection degree program in the fall semester, and who reside in the Cowichan Region.  Preference will be given to students who have an interest in forest preservation.  Selection will be based on GPA and demonstrated financial need.

Royal Canadian Legion Branch 257 - RMOT Award

Available to students continuing in the Resource Management Officer Technology program at VIU, with preference to someone who is: 1) a member, or whose parent or grandparent is a member of Branch 257, or 2) a resident of Lantzville, or 3) affiliated with another Royal Canadian Legion, or has served in the Military/Cadet service.  Financial need may also be taken into consideration.

Tristan Montjoy Memorial Award $1,000 x 1

Available to students in the RMOT or BNRP program with selection based on positive attitude, support of classmates, and commitment to their studies. Preference will be given to Indigenous learners.

Al Fowler Memorial Scholarship $2,500 x 1

Available to science or technology program students who demonstrate innovation and an entrepreneurial spirit in science or technology, preferably working towards the development of a creative business idea.  Students must submit an essay with their application describing in detail how the criteria has been met.

Armin Saatchi Chemistry Award $2,000 x 1

Available to students enrolled in their final year of a Bachelor of Science (Chemistry) or Chemistry Graduate program.  Selection will be based on academic achievement and demonstrated potential for research skills in the chemical sciences.

Arnold MacDonald Tedford Memorial Bachelor of Science Award $4,000 x 1

Available to female students in the Bachelor of Science program, enrolled in chemistry courses. Selection based on financial need and academic achievement.

Barbara Bunting Memorial Award $1,000 x 1

Available to students pursuing a Bachelor of Science in Biology who attended high school on Vancouver Island. Preference to students with a future goal of working in the marine industry.

Biology 491 Independent Research Award $400 x 1

Available to students doing a Biology 491 research project, with selection made by Biology Faculty.

Biology Outstanding Student Award $1,000 x 1

Awarded to the top Bachelor of Science graduate, majoring in biology.

Captain Sydney Mansbridge Memorial Engineering Scholarship $1,000 x 2

Available to full time students enrolled in the Engineering program as first priority, or to those in a Bachelor of Science, Engineering major as second priority. Selection will be based on academic achievement, with preference given to at least one male and one female.

Caswell Family Memorial Scholarship

Available to science students for academic achievement.  Preference will be given to students pursuing a career in engineering.

December 6, 1989 Memorial Scholarship $2,000 x 1

For academic excellence, available to top female students enrolled in a science or applied science program.

Diane Caillet Memorial Biology Award $1,200 x 2

Available to students enrolled in a Bachelor of Science - Biology degree. First preference will be given to those who identify as a visible minority, with second preference to those who are pursuing a career in veterinary medicine.

Donald F Alderdice Memorial Scholarship $2,500

Available to academically strong, continuing, upper-level Biology students, preferably with career goals or interests in aquatic biology, including marine biology, fish biology and aquaculture. This award is in memory of Donald Alderdice, who devoted his life's work to fisheries research.

Dr Andy Spencer Bamfield Marine Sciences Summer Course Award $1,200 x 1

Available to VIU Biology students who have completed the 2nd year of their B.Sc. degree, and who have been accepted into a summer course at the Bamfield Marine Sciences Center (BMSC).  This award recognizes Dr. Spencer’s enduring legacy at the BMSC, and at VIU. To be eligible for this award, students must have an overall GPA of 3.0 or better at time of application. Students must submit their letter of acceptance into a BMSC summer course and provide a detailed cover letter highlighting why they are taking the course, what they hope to get out of it, as well as their career interests/ambitions.

Dr Andy Spencer Legacy Award $1,600 x 1

Available to VIU students who have recently been accepted to post-graduate studies at any institution, in any aspect of the natural sciences, and who best exemplifies Andy Spencer's standards of excellence and his curiosity and enthusiasm for science. VIU students are nominated by Science Faculty for this award. Nomination package will include: a detailed cover letter, current CV, and two supporting letters. 

Dr David Gaumont-Guay Legacy Award $2,500 x 1

Available to graduating VIU Bachelor of Science - Biology students who show outstanding academic achievement in all three of David's teaching and research passions: ecology, botany and independent science research.  The successful student will also exemplify David's love of adventure and the outdoors, as well as his curiosity and enthusiasm for the ecological and botanical sciences. 

Dr John Amaral Memorial Award $1,300 x 1

Available to third-year B.Sc. students with a major in Biology based on academic achievement and demonstrated strong research skills in the following Biology Department Microbiology courses: Microbiology I (BIOL 210); and at least one (two preferred) of Microbial Ecology (BIOL 332), Bacterial Genetics (BIOL 336), Applied Microbiology (BIOL 432), or Pathogenic Microbiology (BIOL 436).

Dr KS Ketchen Biology Award $2,500 x 1

Available to 3rd or 4th year Bachelor of Science, Biology major students, with selection based on academic achievement and financial need.  Applicants must be Canadian Citizens.

Dr Tanya and Lawrence DePorto Doctorate Scholarship $500 x 1

Available to graduating biology students who have recently been accepted into a doctorate program in the health, medical or veterinary sciences.  Selection will be based on volunteer work, family commitments, extracurricular interest and/or employment during their undergraduate education that have been meaningful to the candidate.  VIU biology graduates who have been accepted into a PhD, DVM or MD degree program are nominated by Biology Faculty for this award.

G.S. Attariwala Science Award $1,300 x 1

Available to students enrolled in sciences, with selection based on financial need and satisfactory academic achievement.  Preference will be given to Aboriginal students.

George Alvin Fairhurst Memorial Award $2,500 x 4

Available to students enrolled in a program within the Faculty of Science and Technology. Selection will be based on academic achievement and financial need, with preference given to second year students, who are either studying or plan to study, in the fields of engineering, planning or geoscience.

Hunter Ehrismann Memorial Award $1,000 x 1

Available to students enrolled in the Bachelor of Science - Computing Science major, or the Computing Science diploma program. Selection based on academic achievement and financial need, with preference to students involved in campus life.

Ms Mollie Byrne Biology Scholarship $2,500 x 2

Available to students in third or fourth year Bachelor of Science, Biology Major, with demonstrated academic excellence.

Municipal Information Systems Association of BC (MISA) Technology Award $1,500 x 1

Available to students enrolled in any of the following programs:  Bachelor of Science - Computing Science major, Computing Science diploma, or Information Technology and Applied Systems (ITAS) diploma. Selection based on academic achievement and demonstrated leadership.

Philip W Mar Memorial Award $2,500 x 1

Available for academic achievement and financial need to science students, (Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Astronomy, Computer Science or Math), who are continuing at VIU or transferring to UBC.

Pieter de Reuver Foundation Science and Technology Award       

Available to students enrolled in any program under the Faculty of Science and Technology.  First preference will be given to students who attended SD #69 and/or who are Oceanside residents.  Second preference will be given to students from the Nanaimo area.  Selection will be based on academic achievement with financial need being considered.

Ralph Vernon Memorial Scholarship $1,200 x 2

Available to students for academic achievement in a first-year calculus course, continuing to second year Bachelor of Science, with preference given to female students.

RB Engineering Award $1,500 x 1

Available to students currently enrolled in the Engineering program, or to those in Science and Technology programs whose future goals are to pursue a career in Engineering. Selection will be based on academic excellence, with preference given to students who are also a VIU Mariner Athlete

Sheila Marshall Memorial Award $2,300 x 1

Available to second year Bachelor of Science students, who show promise in all of the four areas of great interest to Sheila:  ecology, chemistry, botany or independent scientific research.

Tetra Tech Award

Available to students enrolled in the environmental sciences, or an Engineering transfer program at VIU, related to the earth sciences.  Award is based on academic achievement and financial need.

Morvah Award for International Development $2,100 x 1

Available to Canadian students working on short-term projects overseas; based first on overall abilities and life goals, then GPA.  Awarded on the basis of the Centre for International Studies evaluation of a short proposal demonstrating the following objectives: 1) furthering international awareness and understanding of the economic barriers to poverty alleviation, contributing to initiatives that may be able to overcome these barriers, in a sustainable manner; 2) bringing tangible benefits to both VIU and the host country counterparts, and 3) where possible to leverage co-funding of development projects from other sources (eg DFATD, Province of BC, CCC), to maximize the awards' impact.  Recipient would be expected to follow up with a community presentation of learnings and results event, (inclusion in local media such as newspaper articles, etc.), and to meet with the donors.

Canadian Association of Equipment Distributors Award $1,900 x 1

Available to students in the Heavy Mechanical Trades Foundation program, based on academic achievement and financial need.

Canadian Association of Equipment Distributors Graduation Award $1,900 x 1

Available to students for academic achievement, proficiency in the field, and promise of success in the Heavy Mechanical Trades Foundation program.

CFUWPQ Apprenticeship Award $2,000 x 1

Available to female students in an apprentice program within the Faculty of Trades and Applied Technology.  Preference will be given to students from SD69, (including Bowser, Coombs, Dashwood, Errington, Lasqueti, and Whiskey Creek), or to those who have lived in the district for more than 3 years.

Coastline Electrical Award

Available to students enrolled in the Electrician certificate program at VIU with demonstrated financial need. Preference to a local student from Nanaimo.

Cummins Western Canada Dependability Award

Available to students graduating from the Heavy Mechanical Trades Foundation program, with a preference to students of Aboriginal origin.

Duncan MacRae Award $1,100 x 1

Available to students in any applied program, including Applied Business Technology, with selection based on achievement, commitment to studies, and recommendation of the program area instructors.

EM Equipment Award

Available to the most accomplished students in the Professional Baking and Pastry Arts program, who have demonstrated techniques throughout.  Selection will be based on faculty recommendation.

Erica M Cooper Award $1,000 x 1

Available to student graduating from the Carpentry Program at Cowichan Campus, based on faculty recommendation.

Faria Office Administration Award $2,326 x 1

Available to students enrolled in any program under the Faculty of Trades & Applied Technology.

Finning Canada Award

Available to students graduating from the Heavy Mechanical Trades Foundation program. With selection based on academic achievement, leadership, team involvement and a willingness to assist fellow students. First preference to students who identify as Indigenous, and second preference to female students.

George and Bev deLure Attitude Award $600 x 3

Available to students in the Heavy Mechanical Trades Foundation program, who have shown a positive attitude toward the trade and ongoing education.  Recipients of this award will be selected by their peers in the program.

George Nielsen Award $1,100 x 1

For achievement and commitment to studies, available to students in the Welding program, with selection based on recommendation of instructors.

Gerry Goodwin Memorial Trades Scholarship $500 x 1

Available to students in a Trades and Applied Technology program of at least four months duration, as selected by program faculty.  Preference to students with a career interest in any aspect of the marine industry.

Grabowski Award

Available to students enrolled in the Refrigeration Air-Conditioning Mechanic program, with selection based on achievement and passion for the industry. Preference will be given to female learners.

Grotto Spa Esthetics Achievement Award  

Available to students who are completing the Esthetics and Spa Therapy Certificate Program, with selection based on academic achievement, and demonstrated leadership.

Heidelberg Materials Carpentry Scholarship

Available to a top graduating student from the Carpentry program at the Nanaimo campus, with selection based on academic achievement and faculty recommendation.

Henry R Nash Award $900 x 1

Selection based on academic achievement and financial need.  Available to students enrolled in the Automotive Service Technician program, who are residents of Lake Cowichan, Duncan, Ladysmith or Nanaimo.  Must have strong aptitude in Automotive Mechanics and demonstrate industriousness, tenacity and integrity.

Houle Electric Award $1,200 x 1

Available to students in the Electrician certificate program.  Based solely on Academic Achievement.

Jack and Kathleen Brodie Award $1,500 x 1

Available to students in Trades and Applied Technology programs, for achievement and commitment to studies.  Selection also based on recommendation of instructors and program area.

Jack Doan Memorial Welding Award $1,000 x 1

Available to Welding students who are entering level B, with selection based on academic achievement.  Preference will be given to those with demonstrated financial need.

Jack McReady Award $1,100 x 1

Available to students in any applied program, including Applied Business Technology, for achievement and commitment to studies.  Selection also based on recommendation of instructors and program area.

Jason Stephenson Memorial Award

Available to students enrolled in the Road Building and Heavy Construction program, who are working to the best of their ability, and who demonstrate a passion for the industry. Selection will be made by program faculty.

Kla How Ya Social Club - A. Rod Glen Memorial Award $500 x 1

Available to students in an applied program, who are Canadian Citizens and BC Residents.  Financial need will also be considered.

Lionel Hennessy Memorial Information Technology Award $1,250 x 1

Available to Information Technology students.  Awarded to the student who has achieved the highest marks among those students who are changing professions. Selection based on instructor recommendation.

Mid Island Woodworkers Guild Carpentry Award

Available to students enrolled in the Carpentry Foundation or Apprentice program at the Nanaimo campus who demonstrate improved skills, leadership qualities, and academic achievement. Selection will be made by program faculty.

Mosaic Forest Management Trades Scholarship $2,000 x 1

Available to students in the Heavy Equipment Operator Program at VIU, with preference to First Nations students.  Selection based on academic achievement and demonstrated intent to work in the related field.  Preference will be given to a student entering the Logging Truck Driver program once established

Nanaimo Foundation Sisterhood Scholarship

Available to female students enrolled in any program within the Faculty of Trades and Applied Technology.  Financial need will be considered.

New Car Dealers of BC Foundation Award for Trades Students

Available to students in the Automotive Service Technician program, with preferred applicants participating in an Apprenticeship, and who have an interest in a technical, accounting, management, sales or marketing career with the New Car Dealers of BC.  Applicants must be residents of BC. Successful applicants may be asked to participate in a testimonial.

NPA Board CIF Marine Technician Award $1,000 x 1

Available to students in the Motorcycle and Marine Technician Program with selection based on academic achievement.

NPA Board CIF Marine Technician Award for Aboriginal Students $1,000 x 1

Available to Aboriginal students in the Motorcycle and Marine Technician program, with selection based on academic achievement.

Paper Excellence Community Investment Award $1,000 x 10

Available to trades students with demonstrated strong work ethic and a positive attitude. Selection will be made by program faculty.

Pat Madill Memorial Scholarship $500 x 1

Available to students in the Heavy Mechanical Trades Foundation program, with selection based on academic achievement, and demonstrated leadership and promise in the field.

Pat Wapple Award $1,100 x 1

Available to students enrolled in the Applied Business Technology Program, with selection based on achievement and commitment to studies, as well as recommendation of program area instructors.

Pieter de Reuver Foundation Trades and Applied Technology Award     

Available to students enrolled in Trades and Applied Technology programs, with preference to those with demonstrated financial need.  Special consideration will be given to students enrolled in the Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Mechanics program.   

Ray Hindle Award $1,100 x 1

Available to students in any Trades and Applied Technology program, including Applied Business Technology.  Selection will be based on achievement, commitment to studies, and recommendation of program area instructors.

Richard W. Johnston Automotive Award

Available to students graduating from the Automotive Service Technician Foundation program at the tiwšɛmawtxʷ (Powell River) Campus with demonstrated diligence and work ethic.

Richard W. Johnston Carpentry Award

Available to students enrolled in the Carpentry program at the tiwšɛmawtxʷ (Powell River) campus.

Rotary Club of Nanaimo Daybreak Trades Award

Available to full-time students graduating from any program within the Trades and Applied Technology faculty. Selection will be based on academic achievement and faculty recommendation.

Rotary Club of Nanaimo North Award for Trades

Available to students in the Heavy Mechanical Trades Foundation program, with selection based on achievement, proficiency and promise in the field. 

Royal Canadian Legion Branch 257 - Alice Hobbs Trades Award

Available to students enrolled in an Applied Trades program at VIU, with preference to someone who is: 1) a member, or whose parent or grandparent is a member of Branch 257, or 2) a resident of Lantzville, or 3) affiliated with another Royal Canadian Legion, or has served in the Military/Cadet service.  Financial need may also be taken into consideration.

Ryan Paterson Memorial Welding Award $1,000 x 1

Available to students enrolled in the Welding Foundation program, with selection based on demonstrated welding ability, and a positive classroom demeanor and attitude. Preference will be given to students from the Cowichan region.  Financial need may be considered.

Sam Bailey Memorial Trades Award $2,500 x 1

Available to students enrolled in the Heavy Mechanical Trades Foundation program, with selection based on academic achievement.

SCS Welding Award

Available to students enrolled in the Welding program. First preference given to students at the Cowichan Campus, and second preference given to students who can demonstrate financial need.

Slegg Carpentry Award

Available to carpentry students who demonstrate a positive attitude and good attendance, with a preference given to those who demonstrate financial need.

Smith Family Award

Available to students in any Trades and Applied Technology program who have demonstrated leadership in the classroom. Students must be progressing within the program with at least a 75% grade average. Financial need may also be considered.

Ted Stroyan Memorial Scholarship $800 x 1

Available to students in the Carpentry and Residential Construction program, with selection based on academic achievement, demonstrated leadership and promise in the field.

TLA Parkland Refining Award

Available to students in the Heavy Equipment Operator Technician program who are pursuing a career in the forestry industry.  To be considered, applicants must submit an essay to the department by November 15th, describing their future career goals and how their studies in this program will assist them to achieve those goals. Successful applicants will be required, without exception, to attend the TLA Conference in January. Selection will be made by program faculty.

VIU Facilities Services and Campus Development Award $1,000 x 1

Available for academic achievement and financial need to students in Trades and Applied Technology programs.

William Matthews Endowment Scholarship

Available to top students graduating from the Motorcycle and Marine Technician program.

BC Scholarship Society

Over 100 Transfer Scholarships of $5,000 each are available to students transferring between BC post-secondary institutions in order to complete their degrees. 

Visit the BC Scholarship Society website for more information and application deadlines.

Indigenous Students Awards offer $1000-$5000 (multi-year) for students pursuing trades training, apprenticeship, diploma, certificates, degree or post-degree programs. 

Visit the BC Scholarship Society website for more information and application deadlines.


Ten Women in Technology and Indigenous Women in Technology Scholarships valued at $10,000 each are available to recognize women who are excelling at the study of Computer/Data Science, Engineering or Mathematics at the post-secondary level. At least one of these scholarships is dedicated to a woman of Indigenous ancestry. 

Visit the BC Scholarship Society website for more information and application deadlines.

The BC Scholarship Society is pleased to announce that the application form for One World International Scholarships is now available for use by all BC Public Post-Secondary Institutions.  Deadline to apply 4:30pm PST Thursday, April 10, 2025. 

Visit the BC Scholarship Society website for more information and application deadlines.

Over 100 Awards of $5,000 each will be available to students transitioning from Adult Basic Education programs to full-time post-secondary degree, diploma, or certificate programs.

Visit the BC Scholarship Society website for more information and application deadlines.

The Premier’s International Scholarship Program is also now open for applications.  These prestigious Scholarships – now valued at between $8,000 and $12,000 each – will be granted to students who demonstrate exceptional academic achievement and community service. 

Visit the BC Scholarship Society website for more information and application deadlines.

Special awards

Lieutenant Governor’s Medal program for Inclusion, Democracy, and Reconciliation

The Lieutenant Governor expanded the medal program to include students to also include two-year diploma and four-year undergraduate degree programs at public post-secondary institutions in British Columbia, in addition to those enrolled in one-year certificate programs only, Eligible students include British Columbia residents. They also include out-of-province and international students. All must be in their last year of studies and will graduate this year.

Application - Nomination Instructions

Students who want to be considered for the Lieutenant Governor’s Medal must print the application form below. They must complete all the student section.

Students must attach an essay. It must address one of the topics in the “Award Guidelines” of this application.  Essay should be no more than 750 words. Students may speak to more than one topic if applicable.

Students will submit their completed and signed application and their essay. They will submit these to their Program Chair.

The Program Chair must verify student progress and-or grades, provide any additional supporting comments, and complete and sign the appropriate section.   

2024-2025 Academic Year program information

2024-2025 Academic Year application form due May 16 2025