Information for VIU Employees

Notice: Due to our largest-ever ticket requests, no guests will be allowed to attend convocation without a ticket. All people, including infants, require tickets. Please make sure graduates give tickets to their guests BEFORE they go to their muster locations. You will not see each other again until after the ceremony.


Convocation is a time for the university community to come together to celebrate the success of our graduating students. There are a number of ways VIU employees can be involved and show their support.

Stay tuned to these pages for information regarding convocation 2025. It will be updated as it becomes available.

Ways to be involved

What is a Convocation Marshal?

Marshals are required for each Convocation ceremony to guide the graduating students before, during, and after the ceremony. A Marshal may be a VIU faculty or staff member. Marshals are seated with an assigned group of graduating students and are required to wear regalia*.  

A program may have one or more marshal(s) depending on the number of graduates from it.  Some programs are grouped together with a single marshal. The number of students assigned to each marshal is usually no more than 30. 

Each marshal is asked to arrive at their student muster location 75 minutes before the ceremony and perform the following duties: 

  • assist the graduates in putting on their regalia; 
  • hand out oath cards and read out instructions/overview to graduates;
  • accompany the graduates to their seating area in the gym; 
  • line the graduates up next to the stage to receive their credential; 
  • lead the graduates out of the gym in the recession line at the end of the ceremony. 

A marshals’ information meeting will be held in May.   A detailed Powerpoint will also be distributed. 

*If you do not have your own regalia, you can rent from Gaspard compliments of VIU, or contact to purchase.

Lots of helpers needed!

What is a Convocation Helper?

Volunteering at Convocation is a great way to interact with our graduating students on these special days.  Opportunities for interested employees include:

  • Pinners/Assistants – help grads get their regalia on properly prior to the start of the ceremonies
  • “Runners” – offer miscellaneous assistance in response to unforeseen issues that arise
  • Check-in coordinators – check grads in at mustering locations
  • Greeters ­– hand out programs and provide a warm welcome in the gym
  • Guest seating hosts – help guests find appropriate seats
  • Grad seating specialists – direct Marshals and grads to their assigned seats
  • Reception/water station attendants – supply water to guests and grads
  • General volunteers – the classic role of, “other duties as assigned”

You can volunteer to help at one, two, or all ceremonies. The exact time commitment is dependent on the role you will be taking on, but generally these are each approximately 4-hour commitments.

Please be sure to get approval from your supervisor or manager for you to be re-assigned from your regular duties.

A volunteers' information meeting with further details will be held in May.

Learn how to pin a hood to regalia.

Show your support to the graduating students by wearing your regalia, participating in the VIP procession, and sitting in the faculty/VIP reserved section, which is on the floor in the centre between the grad seats. 

If you would like to attend in the audience with friends, family, and other supporters of our graduating students, you do not need to submit the RSVP form and you do not need to wear regalia. Please email by April 19 to request a ticket, as seat availability is limited and will be confirmed after tickets for students' guests have been allocated. Ticket pickup will be at the Campus Store. 

Contact with any questions.