The Experience Hub is an online career services and student employment portal hosted by the Centre for Experiential Learning at Vancouver Island University. The portal is used by employers to post work integrated learning (WIL) and full and part time job opportunities. It is also used for managing student work-integrated learning records. The portal is accessible to all VIU students and alumni.
Employers who want to post job or WIL opportunities for students to view must first register an account in the system. Registering an account is free, quick and easy and is basically just entry of the organization and employer contact information.
Once an account is submitted in the system it will be approved for use. Employers can then login and post their opportunities for students.
Once an opportunity is posted, employers can also choose to use the system to collect applications for their opportunity. Applications may either be set up to be emailed directly to a selected email address or accessed via login through the system.
Experience Hub system administrators are available and happy to assist our employers with job posting processes.
Experience Hub and MBA Work-Integrated Learning Records
Employers who have hired an MBA intern will need to register as an MBA internship host in the Experience Hub. Once registered the following processes associated with the work-integrated learning records will be required:
- Review the student's submitted work term record to ensure that it contains correct information regarding the agreed upon role and work/deliverables that will be completed during the internship
- Complete the e check-in process. This process consists of creating an e check-in record that confirms that you have reviewed the work term record that the student has submitted and agree with what was entered. During this process you may also leave notes regarding the work term record or internship that you feel are important to add to the work term record. Detailed instructions for completing the e check-in can be found here: Experience Hub Resources for Employers
- Complete an online employer final evaluation within the final two weeks of the internship. Detailed instructions for completing the employer final evaluation can be found here: Experience Hub Resources for Employers