The Vancouver Island University (VIU) Masters of Business Administration (MBA) internship team is here to help you throughout the internship process. From defining an opportunity with your organization to finding the right candidate we have the resources and support available to keep the process smooth and easy for our community partners.
Let’s get started by exploring
- Start your internship hosting journey by reviewing the MBA internship program web pages to learn about the internship program details and requirements.
- Connect with the MBA internship team to determine if your opportunity meets the requirements for an MBA internship and obtain advice on how to promote your opportunity.
- Sign-up for our event invite email list by visiting Getting Engaged and Events and attend MBA events throughout the year to meet and network with upcoming MBA interns.
Employer Responsibilities During the Internship
All VIU MBA Interns are required to submit a work term record in CareerVIU, VIU's online work-integrated learning portal. Employers will be required to provide some of the required information. Work term records outline the internship employer contact information, terms of employment, duties and responsibilities, how the position relates to the students MBA learning and deliverables.
All MBA employers are required to register as an MBA internship host in the VIU online work-integrated learning portal, CareerVIU. Following the work term record submission employers who are not yet registered in the CareerVIU system will be sent a notification email indicating that the student has named them as their internship host and requesting them to complete the online registration process. If you are already have an active account in the CareerVIU system you will not receive this email.
Following approval of the students Work Term Record (WTR) by a work-integrated learning (WIL) faculty member, employers will receive a notification email advising them of the approval.
If the employer has an active account in the CareerVIU system they will receive an email notifying them that the record has been approved and is ready for review. If employer has not yet registered they will be sent another email asking them to register.
The MBA intern will be expected to arrange a mid-point visit between the employer and the WIL faculty member approximately 8 weeks into the internship. Employers must make themselves available for this meeting.
Around two weeks before the end of the internship the MBA experiential learning program assistant will send an email to the employer with a link to complete an online employer final evaluation of the internship. This final evaluation should be completed by the direct supervisor/mentor who oversaw the students work throughout the internship.
Employer final evaluation emails are sent to the email address that was submitted in the employers CareerVIU account. There is no need to login to CareerVIU to complete the evaluation as the link will directly open the evaluation for completion.

Eddyfi Technologies
In my opinion, the internship process is lean, easy and straight forward.
~ Ibrahim Amerih