Create an opportunity or need within your organization that you think a student would be a great fit for.
Create an employer account on the Experience Hub portal.
Receive your account approval email, login to the portal of your choice and post your MBA internship opportunity.
Detailed instructions on how to post and what information is required to post can be found here:
Review your applications, proceed with your organization hiring process and select your successful candidate.
The successful student starts with your organization by working through your onboarding and training process.
For tips on how to successfully onboard your intern and access to our handy Onboarding Checklist go to: Onboarding Your Intern
It’s go time for your MBA intern and you as the official work begins! Get Started.

MBA Student Bios
Some employers prefer to select a candidate rather than post an opportunity. We got you covered. The VIU MBA Internship Program has implemented a new webpage called "MBA Student Bios. This new page houses MBA student created profiles that will aid selected employers in pre-screening for a suitable candidate without posting an opportunity.
To view the MBA student bios, click on the link below.