Are you looking for motivation, energy, well-being, and academic success? If so, it’s your time to Thrive! Join our innovative new program where you can learn better, feel better, and do better. This is a free program for all VIU students.
Learn more about 'Thriving in Action'
Thriving in Action (TiA) is an evidence-based program developed at Toronto Metropolitan University that combines positive psychology and innovative learning strategies to support students in developing the skills and resiliency that they need to thrive.
TiA is a group-based course that supports students, prevents distress, bolsters self-efficacy, and supports persistence. TiA aims to deepen a sense of belonging, empower agency, restore focus, and foster confidence. TiA students are taught tools to flourish academically and personally.
Thank you for being so interested in TiA! We are not offering the course for this semester. Please check back here often for information on upcoming offerings in the future, and follow Thrive on Instagram (@viuthrive) for all the latest info about forthcoming TiA sessions!
Thriving in Action (TiA) is based on a program from Toronto Metropolitan University.
Since the first successful TiA cohort in Winter 2017, the team at Toronto Metropolitan University has consistently run multiple TiA cohorts each semester and have completed several research projects on the program’s effectiveness. The team has used both quantitative and qualitative strategies to measure changes in student mental health, thriving, and self-efficacy as a result of participation in TiA. The following results have been gathered:
- 70% of students in clinical distress at pre-test reported significant clinical improvement at post-test.
- 78% of the entire sample reported well-being (low distress) at post-test.
- 85.9% of students reported knowing ‘how to apply my strengths to achieve academic success’ at post-test, compared to only 37.9% at pre-test.
- 75.0% of students reported feeling “good at juggling all the demands of college life” at post-test, compared to only 28% at pre-test.
- 89.1% reported feeling “like I belong here” at post-test, compared to 65.8% at pre-test.
- 85% reported having moderate/high general self-efficacy at post-test, compared to 55% at pre-test.
These results demonstrate the powerful impacts TiA has on its participants. The program’s unique combination of positive psychology and innovative learning strategies increases student mental health, academic skill, and overall self-efficacy. Many students also report significant increases in academic grades and “although the program is not therapy, it is highly therapeutic”.
For more information please email

Toronto Metropolitan University
Vancouver Island University gratefully acknowledges and thanks Toronto Metropolitan University for allowing us to use and adapt their Thriving in Action program. The work of Dr. Diana Brecher and Dr. Deena Kara Shaffer has had widespread impacts on student success and well-being and we express our deep gratitude for their generosity in sharing their work.