Accommodated Exams: Student Guide

Do you want to write your accommodated exams with us?

Student accommodated exam booking link

*Writing your VIU Learn test from home?

No need to book with us! Ask your instructor about accessing your accommodations remotely.

Final Exam Booking Information

Accommodated final exams can be booked online as soon as the schedule is posted in your student record.

Booking deadlines: 

Requests for accommodated final exams must be received at least 10 business days prior to the start of the examination period.

Did you know?

  • You can find your final exam schedule in the 'Select a final exam' section of the 'Request Exam' tab.
    • The dates and times are already set for you- you just need to click 'submit'.
    • 9am exams start at 8:30am to allow for extra time. 
    • 6pm exams start at 4:30pm to allow for extra time.
    • Yes, we are open late
  • Got 2 exams in one day? Talk to your instructors about requesting alternate times or dates-- or reach out to us for help. 
  • Is your test on VIULearn? You can still write in our centre if you need to use our computers, software or quiet rooms. 

Book your Final Exam

Contact us

Booking Deadlines- Important!

  • Mid-terms and quizzes must be booked at least one week in advance.

  • Final exam requests must be received at least 10 business days prior to the start of the examination period. 

Find us

Our exam centre is located in B255 (International Education). Check in for your exam in room 115.

The AES Office is open between 8:00am and 4:00pm. 

Accommodated exams can be scheduled outside of these hours, as usual. 

At least 7-days' notice is required for accommodated exams ending after 4:00pm.

FAQ: Accommodated Final Exams

Booking requests for accommodated final exams can be made through our online system. Paper and PDF fillable forms are also available by request for students who are not able to book online.

How to book your accommodated final exam(s):

  • Log in to our online request system with your VIU student record details.
  • In the ‘Request Exam’ tab, you will see a separate bottom section for your courses with final exams. Your final exam schedule will populate in that area as soon as it is announced by VIU. The dates and times of your final exams are already set by VIU: click ‘submit’ to make your booking request.

NOTE: Do not book Final exams using the 'mid-term/quizzes' section! Please only book final exams using the 'Select a final exam' section.

Log into your VIU accommodated exam account and click on the 'View Status' button. You will see all of your booking requests there.

To see the detailed exam information, click on the little green circle next to the completed booking request.


  • Accommodated exams with a 9:00 am class start time will begin at 8:30 am in our centre.
  • Accommodated exams with a 1:00 pm class start time will begin at 1:00 pm in our centre.
  • Accommodated exams with a 6:00 pm class start time will begin at 4:30 pm in our centre. 
  • Afternoon, evening and weekend exams do not require an alternate date or start time, as our office is open for all scheduled exams during the final exam period.

If you have two final exams scheduled in one day, or if you cannot write on the scheduled day, please talk to your instructor(s) first to see what days are possible.

Use the ‘request alternate time’ option in the online booking system to request the agreed upon new date/time.

It is not necessary for you to write more than one 3-hour final per day if you have an extra time accommodation.

Got Questions?

If you have any questions about your final exam accommodation requests, or if you need assistance with booking, rescheduling or cancelling your exam, please contact us at

We are also available for in-person chats about your accommodated exam bookings. You can find us in building 255, room 115. 

OFFICE HOURS: 8:00am - 3:30pm

FAQ: Accommodated Exams (General)

There are currently two ongoing, known glitches in our ancient booking system that can be temporary barriers to booking. 

Glitch 1: I tried to log in and got an error message saying I have to be a VIU student to use the system!

Solution: You need to update your password for your VIU Online Student Record.

Glitch 2: I tried to book an exam but it says I have no instructor assigned to my course!

Solution: This error message usually means you have 2 instructors assigned to your course. Email us at and we will fix that at the source.

Watch: How-to video (Booking an Accommodated Exam)

  1. Login to the Online Booking System with your VIU registration number and password (it says PIN on the page).
  2. Click on ‘Request Exam’ to see your registered coursesYour current registered courses are listed in the top section. Note: Your Final exams are listed in the bottom section. They will appear when VIU announces the Final Exam schedules. 
  3. Select the course you want to book an accommodated exam for. Click on the small, green circle to the left of your course code to make a request.
  4. Select the date and time of your scheduled in-class quiz or mid-term exam. When you click ‘Submit’, your instructor will be notified about your request by email. Once the instructor has approved your accommodated exam request, Assessment Services will finalize the approval.



If the date or time of the scheduled quiz or mid-term exam falls outside of our regular office hours (evenings, weekends), or if it conflicts with your other classes or a medical appointment, you can request an alternate date or time. 

We are able to support exams that run beyond 4:00pm on weekdays if we get advance notice (at least 7 days).  

During Final exams, we are open longer hours to be able to accommodate all scheduled exams.

Note: Alternate dates and times require instructor approval. Talk with your instructor before you make an alternate exam request.

How to request an alternate date or time

  1. Talk to your instructor before booking, so they have informed consent.
  2. When you request the exam in the system, enter the class date and the class start time in the main booking section, ‘Exam Details’ (at the top).
  3. In the ‘Alternate or Split Exam Requests’ section (below the main section), select ‘Alternate Time/Date’ from the menu, then tick the box to confirm you have spoken with your instructor about the different exam schedule.
  4. Click ‘Submit’. This will take you to a new page where you enter your alternate date/time. Click ‘Submit’ to confirm your alternate time/date request.

If you have an exam accommodation that allows for split exams, you will first need to reach out to your instructor to confirm which dates and times you will write your split exam on.

Please CC in the email where the instructor confirms the dates/times you have arranged together. This is important, as we need to know that the instructor is aware of the split exam. They will need to prepare a special split-exam material package for you.

You can then request the exam in our online booking system. 

To schedule a split exam in our system:

  1. Under ‘Exam Details’ in the Request Exam page, please enter the date and time that your class is writing the test.
  2. Below that, select ‘Split Exam’ from the Alternate Exam Request drop-down menu. Click ‘submit’.
  3. Tick the box to confirm that you have confirmed the details of the split exam with your instructor.
  4. You will see a page with calendar and date selection tools.
    1. Please enter the date and time of Test Part 1
    2. Please enter the date and time of Test Part 2
    3. Submit.



Watch: How-to video (How to Monitor Your Exam Requests)

You can check the status of your exam requests by clicking on the ‘View Status’ button at the top left of your screen, below ‘Request Exam’. 

You will be able to see the following dates:

  • The scheduled exam date for your class;
  • The date you requested the accommodated exam;
  • The date your instructor approved your exam request;
  • The date Assessment Services approved your exam request;
  • The agreed-upon date of your accommodated exam.

All of your exam requests are colour coded to help you understand their status.

  • Blue: Upcoming exam;
  • Yellow: Unapproved request (either your instructor or Assessment Services has not yet approved it);
  • Red: Cancelled request;
  • Grey: Old request from previous semesters.

Watch: How-to video (Cancelling an Exam Request)

You can cancel a request if you decide to write the exam with your class or if you decide to drop a course. 

Please let us know if you will not be writing your booked exam with us. We have limited space in our centre so cancelling your request will let us know we can free up a seat. 

Did you know?

You can cancel your request online or by emailing us directly at

Help! Troubleshooting Booking Glitches

I tried to log in and got an error message saying I have to be a VIU student to use the system!

Solution: You need to update your password for your VIU Online Student Record. They 'expire' every 6 months.



I tried to book an exam but it says I have no instructor assigned to my course!

Solution: This error message usually means you have 2 instructors assigned to your course. Email us at and we will fix that at the source.