Success Stories

Adelle Hoskins

Adelle had the opportunity complete her internship with Nanaimo RCMP’s Criminal Intelligence Analyst, Ryland Wellwood. Her work included researching new initiatives and technology being used within other departments, and compiling reports based on open source research. Topics included; comparative statistics, body worn audio/visual recorders for police, crime severity index calculations, crime bulletins, crime rates, and Integrated Resource Management programs.

During her internship, Adelle was also given the opportunity to do shifts with other units within the department including; traffic, regular day and night patrol shifts, Police Dog Services, and the Operational Communication Center (911). Her time with the Nanaimo RCMP has been an exceptional experience and taught her, not only about Crime and Intelligence Analysis, but working in a law enforcement environment as a whole. “I gained an understanding of what working in the ‘real world’ is like, and what it takes to reach my goals of becoming a Crime Analyst with a police force. I am currently in a Telecommunications Operator position with the Westshore RCMP and I know that my internship experience gave me a significant advantage.”