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Translated Chinese-to-English documents and contextual research related to 1922 Map of China
Position Requirements
The Criminology Department requires a Research and Special Projects Assistant to support a number of initiatives including the inaugural Criminology Newsletter slated for publication in late October and the expansion of our webpage to include more timely and detailed information about programs like Inside-Out Prison-Based Education and the Community Based Applied Interdisciplinary Research course. Duties include: interviewing studies and faculty and using the internet to identify newsletter-worthy content for consideration; soliciting and editing submissions for the newsletter; writing short pieces for the newsletter; drafting a format for the first newsletter; creating posters for use on the web and Facebook; and assisting with promotional pieces for various Criminology events and initiatives. Additional duties include organizing and monitoring the department bulletin boards to improve communication with social science students.
Sign-up Directions
For more information on the application process, please email elizabeth.mclin@viu.ca