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Participants in the Homestay Program provide students with the opportunity to learn about culture, language, and food from the Canadians with whom they live. Homestay can be a challenging experience. It is an opportunity to learn, immerse yourself in Canadian culture, and improve your English language skills.
Position Requirements
Students who take part in the Homestay Program are required to attend a 2-hour Homestay Orientation workshop where students engage in interactive activities to learn more about living in Canada, and with a Canadian family.
Because students are living with a local family, they have an opportunity to be involved in meaningful learning moments. The workshop helps students problem-solve through case-studies and other activities explore potential challenges and opportunities experienced in a Homestay family home.
Students will also receive a homework exercise at the beginning of their program allowing students to focus on establishing communication and goals with the Host Family. Students will explore topics such as food, communication, language learning, conflict resolution, participation in household activities, and much more.
Students who participate can expect to spend about one hour per day interacting with your host family (usually dinner time), though there might be additional opportunities during the work week to experience day-to-day activities. On weekends, there might be opportunities to do larger-scale operations. For example, Host families may occasionally take day trips, go sightseeing, or do tourist-style activities with students.
Students who commit to learning through the Homestay program and put in the effort can learn great life skills that will be useful long after graduating. Students can increase their capacity to engage in respectful relationships, build intercultural perspectives, learn better collaboration, and gain better oral communication skills.
Sign-up Directions
Please apply for this opportunity online at:
You will be requied to fill out a detailed profile. There are costs associated to participate in this program which includes application fee, deposit, and rent. Please see the above website for more details.