Success Stories

Vanessa Lloyd

"I completed an internship at Coastal Construction where I was part of the team that builds the West Coast’s most beautiful custom homes. During my internship I had the opportunity to work on real projects and apply the skills I learned at VIU. My role in all of the projects I worked on changed often as the projects progressed, allowing me to participate in many phases of the design process. I observed an initial client meeting to determine aesthetic direction and contributed in client meetings to review proposed finishes. I was also fortunate to apply many of the technical skills I learned in my program. I translated numerous lighting plans into Auto CAD drawings, created three dimensional drawings using Google Sketch-Up and assembled a millwork package to send out for pricing. I was included in the hands-on stages of the design process such as reviewing an electrical rough-in on site and staging a show home. The site visits were a highlight of my internship experience because it was truly beneficial to see the physical projects I had been working on in the office. Having such a positive internship experience gave me the confidence to submit a school project for a Victoria Home Builders Association CARE Award and I was overjoyed to receive the Student Design Award a few months later. As I moved through my fourth year, the skills I developed and the experience I gained from my internship were invaluable for designing my graduating project. After graduating, I was lucky to secure a position with Meade Design Group and I draw on the skills acquired in my internship regularly."