Fall Researcher - MABBRI

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The student works with staff from the Mount Arrowsmith Biosphere Region Research Institute (MABRRI) on community outreach and involvement activities intended to generate new knowledge and excitement about the Biosphere.

Position Requirements

The Researcher will assist with the International Journal of UNESCO Biosphere Reserves, a new online journal published by Viewscape Publishing out of the Research Office at VIU.

This journal will become the worldwide publication source of materials on biosphere reserves. The journal is formatted as an e-publication, with sections for academic papers, notes from non-profit associations that manage biosphere reserves, as well as space for publishing video or audio materials. The Researcher will be responsible for assisting in drafting the journal's specs for publications, formatting, sending out calls for submissions, working with VIU Library staff on organizing the submissions, and contacts with potential contributors.

Sign-up Directions

To learn more, visit the MABRRI Research Projects webpage and the International Journal of UNESCO Biosphere Reserves website.

For information on the application process, please email Pam Shaw, Director, Master of Community Planning Program.