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This student position assists in a broad range of Psychology research activities.
Position Requirements
The student will be involved in all aspects of conducting a research project. Specifically, the student will pursue library research, recruiting research participants, collecting questionnaire data and/or conducting interviews, entering data into SPSS, assisting in both qualitative and quantitative analysis. The student may also contribute to proposal development, report writing and poster/presentation preparation. To date, all research assistants have been involved in research that has lead to presentation at the national or international level at an academic conference.
Position requirements:
- Good interpersonal and organizational skills are required.
- PSYC 204 Research methods are required.
- PSYC 300A and B Statistical Methods in Psychology is preferred.
- Competence using SPSS is essential.
Sign-up Directions
Via email to Instructor, Professor Deborah Matheson, Chair, Department of Psychology. Deborah.Matheson@viu.ca