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The Vice President of Academics was the sole coordinator of academic activities and advocated for further experiential learning within the Faculty of Management.
Position Overview
The Business Students’ Association at Vancouver Island University is dedicated to providing business students with opportunities and experiences outside of the classroom in order to develop a network of professional, passionate, and community-focused leaders who are not afraid to continually incorporate the art of fun.
As the sole coordinator of academic activities presented by the BSA, the VP Academic is responsible for developing further experiential learning within the Faculty of Management as a main responsibility. More specifically, academic events are targeted towards furthering business student’s education while integrating the classroom and extracurricular experiences into student learning. Lastly, included in the position is communicating and assigning tasks to the Director of Workshops that were in line with the societal strategy, reporting to the presidential team with potential concerns and progress on events, procedures, etc.
Position Requirements
Minimum time commitment for this position is four hours a week.
Graduate Attributes Associated
Students in this position will gain skills in the capacity to engage in respectful relationships, collaboration, integrative learning, oral communication, and written communication.
Sign-up Directions
For more information, please contact internal.viubsa@gmail.com. Members of the Executive Council are voted in via by BSA members. An Election Council determines the date of elections, which are typically held in January or February.