Academic and Career Preparation

English Class Support - Adult Basic Education


This position will help support students taking English 037 (Grade 10) and English 047 (Grade 11) courses through the Faculty of Academic and Career Preparation (ACP). The instructor will be available during all class times, so the successful candidate will not be responsible for any teaching. Instead, they will provide in-room tutorial and technology support under the direction and supervision of the instructor.

Position Overview

  • In-Class Help and Support
    • Support the creation of a positive, safe, and encouraging class environment by:
    • Modeling respectful interactions with all students, regardless of any identity category
    • Providing clarification or reminders of instructions verbally or in writing
    • Recognizing struggle is part of learning and helping students build resilience to overcome problems
    • Following instructions provided by the instructor:
    • Assist students with staying on task in an active classroom
    • Assist students in conducting activities as requested by the instructor (for example: using the computer to do research or typing pre-written documents)
    • Provide in-class tutorial support to students by helping students break-down questions
    • Refer all course and content questions to the instructor
  • Communication with Instructor
    • Ensure questions or concerns raised by students before, during, or after class are communicated to the instructor
    • Communicate with the instructor via email, phone, or in-person on a set schedule

Position Requirements

  • Able to create a safe working environment for students from all backgrounds, ages, and experience levels
  • Have strong oral and written communication skills
  • Comfortable with Microsoft Office tools (Word, Excel) and VIU technology tools (like Zoom and VIULearn)
  • High level of organization and attention to detail
  • Comfortable seeking help and support as needed
  • Ability to take constructive feedback and change approaches if needed

Graduate Attributes

  • Written Communication
  • Information Literacies
  • Historical Understanding
  • Safe and Ethical Practices
  • Capacity to Engage in Respectful Relationships
  • Intercultural Perspective

Position Type

  • This is a paid position

Sign-Up Directions

For more information, please contact Academic and Career Preparation Department Chair, Stephanie Boychuk at Stephanie