Recreation and Tourism - Undergraduate Research Assistant


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Description (only for app submissions)

The Undergraduate Research Assistant was part of a research team studying the artisan economy in Canada. They developed research, analysis, and writing skills and had the opportunity to co-author a publication.

Position Overview

The Undergraduate Research Assistant was part of a research team studying the artisan economy in Canada. They developed research, analysis, and writing skills and had the opportunity to co-author a publication.

Students will work together with their supervisor to identify and record artisans across the country in the database designed for the project. This inventory, when complete, will be analyzed to report out on the number of artisanal businesses identified, by type and province. This analysis will be conducted in Excel using descriptive statistics. Figures and tables to summarize the data will be used to develop a profile of the artisan economy. The geocodes will be used to create a map illustrating the regional concentrations of artisan across the country by type. The student will also be involved in the analysis of the database and the preparation of the article and presentation to share results. The student will also be co-author on the publication, and on an article for submission to the respected, peer-reviewed Journal of Rural and Community Development.

Graduate Attributes Associated

Students in this position will gain skills in foundations for lifelong learning, information literacies, local knowledge in collaboration, information literacies, local knowledge in a global context, oral communication, and written communication.

Sign-up Directions

For more information, please email John Predyk, Professor, Recreation and Tourism, Faculty of Management at