Faculty Representative - VIUSU Board of Directors

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Elected to represent students from a particular academic Faculty of the university. Participates in meetings of the Students' Union Board, as well as the Campaigns Working Group and Campus Life Working Group.

Position Requirements 

The VIU Students’ Union is an autonomous not-for-profit society that is run by students for students. The Students’ Union exists to provide events, services and advocacy for its members (all students at VIU).

The Faculty Representative is an elected position that represents students from a particular academic faculty of the university. The Faculty Representative participates in meetings of the Students' Union Board, as well as the Campaigns Working Group and Campus Life Working Group. The Faculty Representative also volunteers for Students' Union events and membership outreach for services and campaigns. The Faculty Representative is an excellent introductory position to the Students' Union Board, and provides an opportunity to learn how to plan and implement campaigns and events on the Nanaimo and regional campuses.

Some of the skills that the individual will strengthen and utilize over the course of their one-year term are: collaboration and team-orientated working; active learning; and verbal communication.

Sign-up Directions

The Faculty Representative is an elected position, selected by VIU students in a general election once per year. The election is held in the Fall Semester, with nominations opening in early September. All Students' Union members are eligible to run in the election to be the Faculty Representative of their respective Faculty. If you are interested in running for this position, please contact the Students' Union office for additional information about the election process and timeline.