Athletics and Recreation

Athlete Council Member - Student-Athlete Advisory Council


The Athlete Council Member promoted communication between athletics administration and student-athletes, generated a student-athlete voice within VIU, provided equal and representative input of VIU student-athletes, provided feedback and insight into athletics department issues, built a sense of community within the athletic program involving all athletic teams, created relationships between student-athletes and the community by organizing community service efforts and raising funds for various causes, promoted a positive student-athlete image on campus, and disseminated information.

Position Overview

The mission of SAAC is to enhance the total student-athlete experience by promoting opportunity, protecting student-athlete welfare, and fostering a positive student-athlete image. The focus of the group is leadership and production.

The purpose of the Student-Athlete Advisory Council (SAAC) is to promote communication between athletics administration and student-athletes, generate a student-athlete voice within VIU, provide equal and representative input of VIU student-athletes, provide feedback and insight into athletics department issues, build a sense of community within the athletic program involving all athletic teams, create relationships between student-athletes and the community by organizing community service efforts and raising funds for various causes, promote a positive student-athlete image on campus, and disseminate information.

Graduate Attributes Associated

Students in this position will gain skills in their capacity to engage in respectful relationships, collaboration, critical thinking, ethical reasoning, oral communication and intercultural perspective.

Sign Up Directions

The Student-Athlete Advisory Council is composed of student-athletes from VIU varsity teams who are third, fourth, or fifth-year students. Members are selected each fall by the head coaches or by the Athletic Department administration.

For more information, please contact Danielle Hyde, Manager, Sports Facilities and Campus Recreation, at