Zaki Mohammed
About the Internship:
Business Management Intern
Harris Mazda
What was the biggest takeaway for you?
I was interning at the time when Mazda was undergoing a major brand change. Having the opportunity to witness and experience that from within the organization was not only a great learning experience but also my biggest takeaway from the internship. This allowed me to focus my master thesis/applied business project towards consumer behavior and brand perception which led me develop a sales approach to overcome many brand challenges that a salesperson would face when dealing with a client.
Did it give you any clarity in what you wanted to do after graduation?
Over the course of my studies and internship I realized that I wanted to work in a role that was not routine. Thankfully my internship was robust in the way that it allowed me work in all departments of a car dealership, learning all operations and the entire business model. This was a great platform for me to showcase my abilities to my internship mentor ‘Tony Harris’ who is not only the general manager of the store but also a successful entrepreneur with an extremely diversified portfolio. I knew towards the end of the internship that I wanted to work with Tony and help him accomplish his vision in the various businesses he currently owns and operates, and the new ones that wants to establish.
Do you have any advice for students that will be involved in an internship?
My advice for students would be to look an internship where you will be mentored by someone who inspires you and presents you with challenges to grow.
What would you say to someone who asks you about co-op?
Always take initiative! Observe, be proactive and look for opportunities that don’t necessarily fall under your job description. This builds value and showcases to your employer that you can champion tasks outside of your comfort zone.
What work are you doing now?
- Executive Management Assistance for Tony Harris Group.
- Project Manager for Canutra Naturals
- Project Lead for Harris Mazda: Developing business to business partnerships and actively looking for collaborations to increase our reach.
- Property Manager: I manage the award-winning property “LEGASEA” located at Departure Bay, Nanaimo.
- Operations Chair for Tom Harris Charity Classic
How did your co-op jobs prepare you for the work that you’re doing now?
Since my internship required me to work in all departments of a car dealership and learn the various operations in a span of four months it was the perfect foundation that groomed me to handle the various tasks in the multiple businesses I operate in.
Looking forward, where would you like your career to go?
Coming from an entrepreneurial family I see myself owning a business operation in a couple years. I don’t know what it would look like as I am still navigating the various ideas and opportunities.